Enron Mail

Subject:RE: El Paso Capacity Allocation
Date:Fri, 22 Mar 2002 11:40:13 -0800 (PST)

Lorraine Lindberg, Kim Watson, and Steve Harris have elected to leave Enron, pls delete from email lists.

-----Original Message-----
From: Butler, Janet
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:34 AM
To: Hyatt, Kevin; Lindberg, Lorraine; Watson, Kimberly; Hass, Glen; Rapp, Bill; Kilmer III, Robert
Subject: El Paso Capacity Allocation

FERC has announced a technical conference for discusssion of allocation issues on El Paso's system for April 16, 2002.
Click below for the notice:


At the public meeting on March 13, staff made a presentation, recommending that El Paso convert Full Requirements shippers to Contract Demand; provide capacity rights of the greater of billing determinant or coincidental peak; maintain the existing rate structure; maintain the 1996 settlement; and accept El Paso's proposed 20 pooling areas up from the existing 3 areas. Staff concluded that El Paso's firm service is unreliable and recommended the Commission set a technical conference.

Staff's presentation is attached:

<< File: G-1March13.ppt <<