Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Potential sale of Gomez lateral pipe
Date:Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:58:48 -0800 (PST)

thanks Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bandel, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:58 PM
To: Hyatt, Kevin; McCallister, Dean; Clark, Scott; Mobley, Randall; Monahans, Team
Subject: RE: Potential sale of Gomez lateral pipe

Dean McCallister said he would be the point for this project. You will need to get with Roger Westbrook(Houston) about the ROW records. Dean will also contact Trevor Davidson in Albuquerque to get a print out of MCS that addresses all the other maintenance records.
Dean McCallister
Office 915-943-3297 or 3298
Cell 915-940-7401
Pager 800-587-0631
The advisor that works with the Monahans Team is Randall Mobley:
Office 915-884-2586 ext. 10
Cell 915-638-5163
Pager 800-511-5382
However; do not hesitate contacting me anytime:
Office 915-943-2480
Cell 915-940-1515
Pager 800-999-6710 pin 9929946
GUNG HO my friend~~

-----Original Message-----
From: Hyatt, Kevin
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:57 AM
To: Monahans, Team; Bandel, Bob; Baker, Robert
Cc: Schoolcraft, Darrell; Gadd, Eric
Subject: Potential sale of Gomez lateral pipe
Importance: High

Dear Team--

We are evaluating the potential sale of TW's existing 20-inch diameter Gomez lateral in Pecos and Ward County, Texas and have executed a confidentiality agreement with the proposed buyer (Pioneer Gas Pipeline). The buyer would like to begin the due diligence process as early as possible and has asked to review info related to the following:

1) Maintenance records for last 3 years
2) right-of-way / easement agreements

The potential benefits to TW of this transaction include 1) monetizing an asset that today is generating zero value and 2) creating a new source of gas supply into TW from the buyer.

Questions I have are:

a) Can we designate a "point" person from the Monahans Team that I can coordinate with and who would that be?
b) Where / who has the records & documents for the items above?

Your timely response is greatly appreciated. Please coordinate with me all questions / concerns. I ask that no information (verbal or written) be passed to any interested outside party without prior clearance with me.

thanks for your help!! I can be reached in Houston at 713-853-5559.

Kevin Hyatt
Director, Asset Development