Enron Mail

To:'krejci@enron.com, rick_krejci@kindermorgan.com
Date:Mon, 4 Mar 2002 08:27:47 -0800 (PST)

you inner loop people lead such the lifestyle. I'll take a rain check and plan on taking you to lunch later this week. Let me know what day is good-- and we're taking your new truck!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Krejci, Richard J. [mailto:rick_krejci@kindermorgan.com]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 9:20 AM
To: 'JoEllen Krejci'; Butler, Angel D.; BAH@Vitol.com; chudler@houston.rr.com; barqley1@worldnet.att.net; branddd@bp.com; greg.marcarelli@elpaso.com; gvaughn@intergen.com; khyatt@enron.com; hbrand@houston.rr.com; mwolper@alum.mit.edu; Micki.Peterson@aesmail.com; dodsonml@bp.com; ngreig@hmns.org; Spalding, Norm; Cutrer, Phyllis A.; Knouse, Roger M.; Tostengard, Steve G.; sveedell@mtgindex.com; Susan.E.Walker@Williams.com
Cc: Krejci, Richard J.
Subject: RE:

Celebrate 45 years? Drown my sorrows is more like it!!!

The Last Concert Cafe is in the far northeast section of downtown in the warehouse district just south of I-10. They have decent Tex-Mex if you want to grab a bite earlier. Carolyn Wonderland is a young singer/songwriter who singing style is kind of a cross between Marcia Ball and Janice Joplin. Expect an eclectic crowd and dress warm if it is cool that evening, it's a semi-outdoor event.

The Old Man

-----Original Message-----
From: JoEllen Krejci [mailto:jokrejci@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 8:50 AM
To: angel_butler@kindermorgan.com; BAH@Vitol.com; chudler@houston.rr.com; barqley1@worldnet.att.net; branddd@bp.com; greg.marcarelli@elpaso.com; gvaughn@intergen.com; khyatt@enron.com; hbrand@houston.rr.com; mwolper@alum.mit.edu; Micki.Peterson@aesmail.com; dodsonml@bp.com; ngreig@hmns.org; norm.spalding@enron.com; phyllis_cutrer@kindermorgan.com; roger_knouse@kindermorgan.com; Steve_Tostengard@kindermorgan.com; sveedell@mtgindex.com; Susan.E.Walker@Williams.com
Cc: rick_krejci@kindermorgan.com

Tomorrow is Rick's 45th Birthday and to celebrate, we are going to the Last Concert Cafe at 1403 Nance Street and listen to Carolyn Wonderland. I think the show starts about 10:00 p.m., so if any of you night owls are looking for somewhere to go tomorrow night, please come join us!

Jo Krejci


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