Enron Mail

Subject:Energy In Europe
Date:Tue, 23 May 2000 11:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/23/2000
06:52 PM ---------------------------

Alexandra Howells <ahowells@IIRLTD.CO.UK< on 05/22/2000 05:32:42 AM
To: vkamins@enron.com
Subject: Energy In Europe

Dear Mr Kaminski

I hope you have been well since we last spoke. I shall give you call later
today but wanted to email you with an update on Energy In Europe as soon as
possible. Unfortunately, the workshops and Summit Day on 19th June haven't
booked as well as we had expected and with a month left to go before the
Conference, have had to cancel them. Many apologies for any inconvenience
this might cause to you and Prof. Geman - I wanted to tell you as soon as
possible so as to cause the least amount of disruption to travel arrangements
etc. The main conference itself is booking fine and will continue as
expected, and I certainly hope you are still able to attend, albeit in a
spectator role.

I have similarly emailed Prof. Geman and will follow up with a telephone call.

Again, apologies for any inconvenience and I will call you later today to
discuss details.

Kind Regards

0207 9155675


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