Enron Mail

Subject:Re: eSpeak Survey: The results are in!
Date:Thu, 6 Jul 2000 01:49:00 -0700 (PDT)


Jack welch is the CEO of GE, not GM.

Vince Kaminski

The eThink Team
From: eThink@ENRON on 07/05/2000 08:08 PM
Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
To: All Enron Worldwide
Subject: eSpeak Survey: The results are in!

We recently asked you to create an eSpeak "wish list" for us. The response
was tremendous and, in some cases, very creative. Your fellow employees
asked for everyone from Britney Spears to George Bush. In all, we received
requests for 61persons outside of Enron to host an eSpeak event. We thought
you might like to know who your colleagues find interesting, so we've
provided a sampling of the suggestions below. Here are the top ten most
requested eSpeakers.

10. Jack Welch, CEO, General Motors
9. Scott McNeally, CEO, Sun Microsystems
8. Satisfied Enron Customers
7. Stephen Covey, author, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
6. Oprah Winfrey, talkshow host
5. General Colin Powell, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.A.
4. Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve, U.S.A.
3. Former U.S. President George Bush
2. Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft
1. Texas Governor George W. Bush

While we can't make any promises, we will do our best to bring in at least
some of these special guests. If you have any contacts who could help us get
in touch with these guest speakers, please let us know at ethink@enron.com.
Everybody needs a little help now and then, even eSpeak.

There were plenty of internal speakers requested, as well. Those requests
should be somewhat easier to meet, although scheduling time with some of our
colleagues can be quite a task!

Thank you all for your participation.