Enron Mail

Subject:EBS's approach to storage trading
Cc:jim.crowder@enron.com, jean.mrha@enron.com, kara.knop@enron.com,stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.cox@enron.com, shalesh.ganjoo@enron.com, john.bloomer@enron.com, john.griebling@enron.com, richard.reichardt@enron.com, scott.y
Bcc:jim.crowder@enron.com, jean.mrha@enron.com, kara.knop@enron.com,stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.cox@enron.com, shalesh.ganjoo@enron.com, john.bloomer@enron.com, john.griebling@enron.com, richard.reichardt@enron.com, scott.y
Date:Wed, 8 Mar 2000 10:02:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi Ravi--

Thanks for you note. I would be very interested in a meeting to establish a=
EBS-wide approach to storage. It's a huge opportunity.
We could expand the 2:30pm Friday meeting to include all interested EBS=20
people and discuss the topics below. Could Shalesh coordinate this meeting=
and also coordinate the ongoing effort firm-wide? Have I omitted anything=

As I see it, here are the key storage initiatives that EBS should undertake=
and who is involved up to this point.=20

1. - establish storage contract terms and pricing
Who's involved: Virawan, Jean Mrha Beach
a. define terms for storage needed for EBS products (MediaCast,=20
MediaTransport, and new products)
b. define general terms for other storage contracts

2. - establish storage pooling points (SPP)
Who's involved: Shalesh, Richard Reichardt, Mark Palmer, Kara Knop
Who's needed: other designated people from Bloomer and Griebling groups, Ji=
Crowder's group input on alliances
a. define technology needed
servers, storage devices
control software for physical delivery
b. decide optimal SPP locations
at/near existing bandwidth trading pooling points
at/near existing EBS city PoPs
at a hosting partner location
c. engage optimal partners to create SPP
IBM Global Services
Tivioli (storage management software)
existing storage portal vendors (e.g. Storage Networks)

3. - establish storage trading benchmark
Who's involved: unknown
Who's needed: Research group
a. define unit of measure for trading contract (e.g., terabyte-month)
b. establish pricing mechanisms

4. - identify (and monetize) storage market opportunites
Who's involved: unknown
Who's needed: Cox's group, Bloomer's group
a. storage intermediation opportunities
b. establish Virtual Storage Portal service for EBS

=09Ravi Thuraisingham
=0903/08/00 11:00 AM
=09=09 To: Mark S Palmer/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jean Mr=
Communications@Enron Communications, John Bloomer/Enron Communications@Enro=
Communications, Richard Reichardt/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
=09=09 cc: Kara Knop, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince Kaminski, David Cox=
Communications@Enron Communications, Shalesh.Ganjoo@enron.com
=09=09 Subject: Meeting for Friday on Storage

Hi Mark, I have not met you yet but heard a lot of good things about you. =
would like to discuss with you and possibly with John Bloomer and Richard=
Reichardt about the EBS Research's role in supporting the Storage market=20
development from the origination and trading perspective. There are severa=
people in various groups that are talking about storage but here is what's =
take on our involvement--please correct me or suggest otherwise. =20

Shalesh Ganjoo is our lead analyst on this effort. In addition to his effo=
with your group, he is presently supporting Jean Mrha with pricing and=20
standardization for a traded storage maret--Stinson Gibner is directly=20
supervising him in this effort.

Shalesh came to us through referal from David Cox--David discovered him at=
one of his speaking engagements. Shalesh had talked to David about traded=
storage market development some time last October and David refered Shalesh=
to Enron Research group. We hired Shalesh for general analyst position and=
now he is pulled into all aspect of this storage effort. Currently, he is=
our point person (with Stinson or I supervising his effort) who is supporti=
Jean Mrha and you on the subject. Kara Knop has aproached Shalesh with=20
request for some support and Shalesh and she are sorting out each other=01,=
role in this regard. As per my discussion today with David, we need to=20
coordinate this storage effort from the perspective of modeling market=20
assessment etc. For this I suggest Shalesh and his effort so that all parti=
involved can benefit from collective effort within one central source. Bas=
on David's and my assessment of Shalesh's capabilities, I would like to=20
suggest that the commercial heads use Shalesh for his creative thinking,=20
understanding of the market and analytical capabilities and not just for da=
gathering and simple research effort. We can add other staff as we see the=
need and as you request them.=20

Please respond this e-mail with your comments if this sounds like aplan, so=
that we can support this effort efficiently and in a scalable manner.

Kind Regards,


A bit about EBS Research Group

John Bloomer and Richard Reichardt have met me and are aware of my role and=
Stinston Gibner's role in EBS. I lead a team of quantitative professionals=
via a group we are calling EBS Research. This group reports to Stinson=20
Gibner (VP) and Vince Kaminski (MD and Head of Enron Research). Stinson an=
Vince are the original founders of Enron Corp Research that has been charge=
with model development efforts to support Enron Energy trading and other=20
Enron business. Enron Research is involved in all aspects of Enron buiness=
(EES, International, Corporate affairs such as FAS 133 and other accounting=
and new product (derivatives) development, etc.).

Within EBS Research, there serveral professionals supporting Kevin Howard=
(CFO office), John Griebling, Tom Gros and Jean Mrha, David Cox (via Boris)=
and the War room. Our main area of focus is with Jean Mrha (trading) and=
John Griebling (optical network design and optimization, etc.). We play a=
key role with John Griebling's go forward network design and implementation=
through our responsiblity to provide traffic engineering analysis and=20
modeling effort.

----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 03/08/00 09:3=
AM -----

=09Shalesh Ganjoo@ECT
=0903/07/00 08:01 PM
=09=09 To: Mark S Palmer/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
=09=09 cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENR=
=09=09 Subject: Meeting for Friday on Storage

Dear Mark,

I am looking forward to presenting my competitive analysis on the Storage=
market on Friday to you and others. Ravi Thurasingham will be calling you =
find out if we (Research Group) can assist your group in any other way. =20
Please let me know if you need any information before we meet. Thank you.


Shalesh Ganjoo