Enron Mail

Subject:Enterprise risk
Date:Tue, 8 Aug 2000 03:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

Paul Bristow gave me a call a few minutes ago, and is sending over some
info. I also received an email yesterday relating to operational risk.
Evidently CIBC has purchased some software to help quantify there exposure.


---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin Kindall/Corp/Enron on 08/08/2000
10:06 AM ---------------------------

"Tao, Xin" <tao@NetRisk.com< on 08/07/2000 12:26:00 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: Press Release - NetRisk Announces Sale of RiskOpsTM Software to C
anadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Erste Bank

< Please find attached an update on our most recent RiskOps sales. In
< addition, we are currently implementing RiskOps at a continental European
< financial insitution and a Tokyo based Japanese financial institution,
< neither of whom are MORE members. We hope to issue a press release on
< these clients in the near future.
< Kind Regards,
< Lara Swann
< <<...<<
< NetRisk Announces Sale of RiskOpsTM Software
< to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Erste Bank
< GREENWICH, CT. July 11, 2000 - NetRisk, Inc., the risk management software
< and advisory firm, today announced that both Canadian Imperial Bank of
< Commerce (CIBC) and Erste Bank have purchased licenses to its RiskOps(tm)
< software product for measuring and managing enterprise-wide operational
< risk. Operational risk includes the risk of direct and indirect loss from
< causes as diverse as rogue trading to technology failures to improper
< sales practices.
< Erste Bank, the second largest Austrian bank, and Canadian Imperial Bank
< of Commerce, the second largest Canadian bank, plan to use RiskOps(tm) on
< a continuing basis to help evaluate and quantify their firm-wide
< operational risk capital. The results will be integrated into their
< Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) and consolidated enterprise
< (market, credit and operational) risk measures. These measures will help
< both banks to better allocate resources, evaluate individual business
< units on a risk-adjusted basis and improve strategic decision-making.
< "We are delighted to continue our working relationships with CIBC and
< Erste Bank by offering the RiskOps(tm) solution to complete their
< operational risk measurement and management processes," says Dan Mudge, a
< founding partner of NetRisk. "Operational Risk has been at the forefront
< of the regulators' minds and both CIBC and Erste Bank are taking leading
< positions in the industry by quantifying Capital at Risk by business
< line."
< "RiskOps(tm) has enabled us to comprehensively measure and manage
< operational risk for each of our businesses," says Tony Peccia, Head of
< Operational Risk Management at CIBC. "RiskOps(tm) gives us the tools we
< need not only for capital allocation purposes but also for strategic
< decision making."
< "The formal inclusion of operational risk into our overall risk management
< framework has required a significant commitment of Erste Bank.
< RiskOps(tm) will be used to estimate Capital at Risk for each business,
< thereby creating an incentive for stronger risk management within the
< Bank," says Franz Reif Head of Risk Management of Erste Bank. "In
< addition, we plan to work with Swiss Re New Markets to evaluate our risk
< financing alternatives to ensure our capital is being used most
< efficiently."
< "NetRisk is pleased to continue its leadership role in helping the
< financial services industry develop methods and tools to quantify and
< manage operational risk," said Rob Ceske, head of NetRisk's Operational
< Risk Management division. "As another example, the data standards we are
< developing in conjunction with Multinational Operational Risk Exchange(tm)
< (MORE(tm)), which includes CIBC, will significantly benefit the industry's
< ability to exchange loss and risk data."
< RiskOps(tm) incorporates a database of published operational risk losses
< from the financial services industry, combined with web-based software to
< allow users to understand operational risk, analyze loss probabilities,
< scale these losses to their firm and determine operational risk profiles,
< including operational Capital-at-Risk. The product displays graphical
< analyses of the causes, effects, probabilities and severities of
< operational risk, specific descriptions of events and measures to help
< senior management and risk managers understand and quantify the sources of
< operational risk. RiskOps(tm) is available via the Internet, by means of
< any standard browser.
< NetRisk's mission is to bring cost-effective, practical, leading edge risk
< solutions to its clients. To do so it is creating on-line communities and
< risk analytic software delivered via the Internet. Products and services
< offered by NetRisk include: RiskOps - internet-based operational risk
< management solution; Crystal Box - interactive performance and risk
< reporting for the investment professional; and Risk Advisory - enterprise
< risk management consulting, advice and solutions to the financial services
< industry. Gene Shanks, the former President of Bankers Trust, founded
< NetRisk, Inc. in 1997. NetRisk has offices in Greenwich, CT; New York
< City; and London. Additional information on NetRisk is available at
< http://www.netrisk.com/ and on MORE at MORExchange.org.
< Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada is Canada's number two bank. Its 1350
< branches a range of banking services, including checking and savings
< accounts, investment products, mortgages and other loans, and credit cards
< to consumers and small to mid-sized businesses. In addition, the bank
< underwrites and sells life, credit, personal property/ casualty, and
< non-medical health insurance. CIBC World Markets provides investment
< banking and other financial services in North America, Europe and Latin
< America.
< Erste Bank is Austria's oldest and second-largest commercial bank. The
< bank is doing business in six core segments: retail banking, corporate
< banking, treasury, trading and sales, and real estate financing and asset
< management. It has approximately 300 branches with international offices
< in New York, Hong Kong, and London. As Austrian banks consolidate, Erste
< Bank is increasing its presence in Eastern Europe. It has subsidiaries in
< Croatia and Hungary and acquired 52% of the shares in Ceska Sporitelna,
< the second largest bank in the Czech Republic from the Czech government.
< One of Erste Bank's largest shareholders is Savings foundation
< Anteilsverwaltung Sparkasse .