---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000
04:24 PM ---------------------------
"Julie" <julie@lacima.co.uk< on 10/11/2000 05:32:56 AM
To: "LC" <
les@lacimagroup.com<, "VinceJKaminski" <
Subject: Fw: EPRM article
Any feedback on the latest article from Chris for EPRM?? Please let me know
when I can expect some feedback so I can get back to EPRM, since they are
going to press in a week.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Lancaster
To: Julie
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:52 AM
Subject: EPRM article
I know that Chris is away and so siad to contact you with any problems. Just
want to know the status of the article for this month? The last e-mail from
Chris said it was getting a final look over from Vince Kaminski and I should
expect it a few days and that was last Thursday. Any news, as we're due to
go to press in a week and a day.