Enron Mail

Subject:London Problems
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 23:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have solutions

FIRST and FOREMOST, pull Tony out from under Tani and put in Slava's group

(we got bad advice from Donna Villareal originally)

SECOND, work on case to hire #2

- Mike

---------------------- Forwarded by Mike A Roberts/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001
06:49 AM ---------------------------

Tony Hamilton@ENRON
05/01/2001 06:41 AM
To: Mike.A.Roberts@enron.com, Jose.Marquez@enron.com,
Subject: Meeting with Spanish Power Demand

Just to keep you in the loop,

Slava has organised a meeting with Spanish Power guys to discuss their
weather data/service requirements on Thursday.

As per my conversation earlier with Jose, regarding a meeting with Tani later
today, it would appear that the research/structuring group here are very much
pushing for me to handle ALL weather requirements across all trading
operations by writing relevent time spent on each group to my timesheet.

At the minute, even just with Global Markets, my day is very busy and I'm
pretty much tied up until 13:30 operationally, finding "spare" time to handle
major requests from outwith Global Markets is going to be difficult.

Talk to you later,
