Enron Mail

Subject:MarketPoint Business Plan Summary
Date:Tue, 18 Apr 2000 01:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/18/2000
08:23 AM ---------------------------

"Dale Nesbitt" <dale.nesbitt@altosmgmt.com< on 04/06/2000 01:47:15 AM
To: <vkamins@enron.com<
Subject: MarketPoint Business Plan Summary


Thanks very much for your interest in our MarketPoint product, and thanks
for the hour you gave me this morning. As promised, I am enclosing our
executive summary and first chapter from our business plan for you to take
forward to your management as a prospective Enron-MarketPoint investment
collaboration. I want to reiterate that should Enron elect to be the lead
investor here, you will be exclusive in your industry if you want. If Enron
wants to be the lead and ensure the entire second round of resources we
need, we would not offer and investment opportunity to other trading
companies, pipelines, or electrics until the third or subsequent rounds and
then only with your participation as a MarketPoint board member. I am aware
you have coinvested with SAP in the past and that you might want to coinvest
with them again. I presume you would not have a problem with
non-competitors such as EPRI, our management consulting service provider
partner, or our VC partner (but I would want guidance from you in this
arena). I think you would find our VC partner very suitable and very
attractive. They have done several interesting energy and trading plays,
and they would provide good management skills I believe. I hope we can move
forward together. I am looking forward to a positive response. Thanks
again and best regards.

Dale Nesbitt

PS: You might hear from Drew Ries of your Investments group. I spoke with
him after speaking with you about many of the same issues.

- longexecsum.DOC