Enron Mail

Subject:Numbers for Sharad Agnihotri
Date:Thu, 6 Jul 2000 01:56:00 -0700 (PDT)


I was very impressed with Sharad and I think that we should consider paying
offering him
o50,000. I am not sure about guaranteed bonus. What do you think?

---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000
08:59 AM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe

From: Anjam Ahmad 07/05/2000 10:56 AM

To: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Kate Bruges/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Numbers for Sharad Agnihotri

Hi Dale (& Vince),

I have now gathered everyone's views and the consensus is that we should hire
Sharad to work with me on front-office pricing and so we should proceed to
the offer stage. As you can see his salary is o43,500 currently and he
appears to have a guaranteed bonus of o25,000 for next year. He would join
for <o50,000 from my discussions with Alex Blair, the consultant. He is very
interested in Enron, but is also talking to Morgan Stanley. I discussed with
Vince, who recommended that Sharad should come in at the same level (rank) as
Kirstee Hewitt; I would also like to arrange for a direct reporting line to
me for Sharad.



P.S. Kate: I have attached the agencies terms and conditions below:

---------------------- Forwarded by Anjam Ahmad/LON/ECT on 05/07/2000 16:21

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: Alex Blair <Alex.Blair@alexmann.com<
05/07/2000 15:29

To: "'Anjam Ahmad'" <Anjam.Ahmad@enron.com<

Subject: Numbers

??????? as requested please find enclosed details on Sharad's numbers:
??????? Basic Salary : o40,000
??????? Car Allowance : o3,500
??????? (paid in Cash)
??????? Annual Bonus : o13,000 (this bonus was paid for ???????
99-00?? ??????? ??????? ??????? 8 mths work April-Dec)

Total o56,500

Sharad has been informed that his bonus payments for year 00-01 will be
floored at o25,000.? Sharad's expectations therefore are to receive a base
salary of between o57.5-o60K plus bonus.
I hope this is of use and ask that if you have any questions that you do not
hesitate to call.

Alex Blair
Senior Consultant
Tel:0207 891 6671
Fax:0207 905 1313
Web: <http://www.alexmann.com<;
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