Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Last month you received an email about enrolling in the Enron PAC. The=20
response has been positive. =20
Thank you to those of you that have already enrolled or made a change to yo=
current contribution! =20
If you have not had an opportunity to visit the enrollment site, please=20
consider taking a moment to do so. The link to the website is at the end o=
this message.

Some of you may have experienced problems launching the site or enrolling.=
We apologize for any trouble that you may have had. The enrollment works=
best in either Internet Explorer or Netscape. The most frequent problems=
were a result of the Lotus Notes web browser that many employees have=20
installed as a default browser. If this is your case, please copy and past=
the link at the end of this message into either Internet Explorer or Netsca=

As a reminder - Following is the original message regarding the PAC=20

Last year the Enron Political Action Committee (PAC) launched a campaign to=
become a "million dollar PAC". Enron employees, who provide all of the=20
funding for the PAC, responded and the Enron PAC reached its objective,=20
becoming one of the largest corporate PACs. This year we face a new=20
challenge. With the sale of EOG, the announced sale of PGE and normal=20
employee turnover, we have lost a significant number of consistent=20
contributors. We are seeking your support. If you are not a member, pleas=
join. If you are a member, we hope you will consider increasing your=20

The Enron PAC is an essential tool in our effort to promote sound public=20
policy. Our PAC funds support local, state and federal candidates, of both=
parties, who support open markets, deregulation and customer choice. Amoun=
contributed may be used to make political contributions in connection with=
federal and state elections and are subject to the limits of the Federal=20
Election Campaign Act. While our PAC has grown thanks to our employee=20
contributions, it still generates just a fraction of the expenditures of=20
those who oppose these ideals.

This year, as always, we face challenges and opportunities for every one of=
our businesses, including such issues as taxation and regulation of=20
e-commerce, electric industry restructuring, regulation of derivatives,=20
international trade and investment legislation, pipeline safety, local and=
state decisions affecting the siting and interconnection of power plants an=
a variety of environmental and tax issues. Enron has a long and successful=
track record of supporting and advancing good public policy. That track=20
record depends on access to and regular communication with, decision makers=
. =20
The PAC provides that access - - it shows policy makers that real voters ca=
about what they are doing.

One of the best things about Enron is that we don=01,t just take things as =
are. We challenge the status quo. We ask why. We change things. The PAC=
helps us do that. We need you to help the PAC. Sign up today =01) and ple=
consider the following contribution guidelines:

Manager $500/year
Director $750/year
Sr. Director/General Manager $1,000/year
Vice President $2,500/year
Sr. VP/Managing Director $3,500/year
Executive Committee $5,000/year

All contributions are voluntary and these guidelines are merely suggestions=
. =20
You are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggested and=
Enron will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of thei=
contribution or their decision not to contribute. You may refuse to=20
contribute without fear of reprisal.

Only U.S. citizens and resident-aliens living in the U.S. can contribute to=
the Enron PAC. Amounts contributed may be used to make contributions in=20
connection with federal and state elections and are subject to the=20
limitations of the Federal Election Campaign Act. The maximum contribution=
is $5,000 per year per individual. An individual may not contribute more=
than $25,000 to all federal candidates and committees within a calendar=20
year. The law requires that Enron report name, address, employer and=20
occupation for every person who contributes over $200/year.

No portion of any contribution is deductible as a charitable contribution f=
federal income tax purposes.

Thanks for your support! Sign up now, or revise your current contribution=
level by connecting with the PAC intranet site:
