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Stinson and Vince,
Please see Wade's comments below. It is critical that we start the exercise quickly, and as metioned, it should be structured so that DPC foot the bill. Also, as mentioned, please have them desist from using the word viability with reference to Dabhol. Regards, Sandeep. ---------------------- Forwarded by Sandeep Kohli/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 01/02/2001 10:35 AM --------------------------- enron india From: Wade Cline 01/01/2001 10:26 PM To: Sandeep Kohli/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Neil McGregor/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mohan Gurunath/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: India Model Thanks Sandeep. Engagement needs to be structured so that DPC will pay for this key study. Have them address the study to DPC and invoice DPC. Second, on the cover, the reference is to "...... and Dabhol Plant Viability." Please instruct them to immediately cease discussions about and use of term Dabhol viability. They can use the term they use later on, which is Dabhol Plant Operations. Sandeep Kohli 01/01/2001 08:56 AM To: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: RE: India Model Wade, This is FYI. ---------------------- Forwarded by Sandeep Kohli/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 01/01/2001 08:55 AM --------------------------- "Robert Schenck" <schenck@hesinet.com< on 12/29/2000 11:57:16 AM To: <Sandeep.Kohli@enron.com<, <Stinson.Gibner@enron.com< cc: Subject: RE: India Model Gentlemen, I have attached a proposal for your consideration Please review this and give me a call on my cell phone +61 412 234 366 tomorrow morning (9 am my time Saturday) I have organised access to a substantial level of detail re the generation and transmission systems and can commence work on building the data base next week There may be some residual typing errors in the proposal, please forgive me as I have no staff to review Regards Robert Schenck < -----Original Message----- < From: Sandeep.Kohli@enron.com [mailto:Sandeep.Kohli@enron.com] < Sent: Thursday, 28 December 2000 10:09 PM < To: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com; Schenck@hesinet.com < Subject: RE: India Model < < < < Robert, < < I had a conversation with Stinsen regarding this earlier today. < We do have < some information about the interconnects as well as information on the < plant capacities and locations within the state of Maharashtra. However, < our information on other states and on a national basis maybe < less detailed < and accurate. < < What I suggested was that we have a meeting with your representative in < India once the study is a "go." We probably need to do this with our team < in India in the first week of the new year. In that manner, we < will have a < much clearer idea of what is needed and what we have. We will then take a < week filling in the gaps, and so by mid-January we should have the < information you need, or alternately, we will know that the level < of detail < you ideally want is not available. Then we will have to make assumptions. < < I believe that the level of detail we have on Maharashtra will be < good, but < the type of information on O&M costs, generations costs, etc. < that you want < will likely not be easily available for other states. We need to work < closely, however, to do the best we can as regards this information. < < Please get back to Stinson with the estimates of time and cost, and let us < also know whether mid-January for the full information will work for you. < < Regards, < Sandeep. < < PS: Stinson, please let me know if there is something I have missed in my < response. < Robert - If you need something answered urgently, please feel free to < call me on my mobile in the US: 713-857-6826. < < < < < Stinson Gibner@ECT < 12/28/2000 09:38 PM < < To: Sandeep Kohli@Enron < cc: < Subject: RE: India Model < < < ---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 12/28/2000 < 10:10 AM --------------------------- < < < "Robert Schenck" <schenck@hesinet.com< on 12/27/2000 11:21:18 PM < < To: <Stinson.Gibner@enron.com< < cc: < Subject: RE: India Model < < < Stinson, < < I am trying to contact our data base experts at the moment to clarify some < issues with the region and may need another day to get something more < concrete in front of you. < < What I would like to know is the extent of your company knowledge re the < following < < Generation units' nameplate capacity, fuel type, efficiency, O&M costs, < fuel < costs < Location of generation units < details of HV interconnectors between regions which have individual load < forecasts (capacity in MW, losses) < Details of Hydro/pump storage location, capacity and Historical outputs < < many thanks < < Robert < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com [mailto:Stinson.Gibner@enron.com] < < Sent: Thursday, 28 December 2000 3:22 AM < < To: schenck@hesinet.com < < Cc: dbranchcomb@hesinet.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com < < Subject: India Model < < < < < < Robert, < < < < Enron would like to do a study of power prices and dispatch for < < India We < < have spoken with David Branchcomb to see if Henwood can help with this < < project in our time frame (results needed by end of January), and he < < suggested that we speak directly with you about the project. < < < < I will try and give you a call later today (Wednesday afternoon < < in Houston, < < Thurday morning, Adelaide) at around 9:00 A.M. your time to see we can < < describe for you the project in more detail. < < < < Regards, < < < < Stinson Gibner < < Enron Research Group < < (713) 853-4748 < < < < < < < < - PEnron.doc