Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Invitation to speak at March NY Real Options conference
Date:Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:31:00 -0800 (PST)


Please, put it on my schedule.

---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/17/99
03:31 PM ---------------------------

Lenos Trigeorgis <lenos@ucy.ac.cy< on 12/09/99 03:55:03 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Invitation to speak at March NY Real Options conference


it is our pleasure to have you. Thank you


PS When you get a chance please send us the abstract and bullet points

At 03:04 __ 12/09/99 -0600, you wrote:
<Thank you very much for the invitation to speak at the conference.
<I shall be delighted to attend and to speak on the topic you indicated.
<Vince Kaminski
<Lenos Trigeorgis <lenos@ucy.ac.cy< on 12/09/99 02:21:34 PM
<To: gordon.sick@rogroup.com
<cc: gordon.sick@rogroup.com (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)
<Subject: Invitation to speak at March NY Real Options conference
<I would like to invite you to be a speaker at an exciting forthcoming
<Internet/E-commerce, R&D/Pharmaceuticals, Energy." The conference will be
<organised in New York City in mid March by the Real Options Group, and has
<a completely corporate/applied orientation.
<I attach a preliminary (tentative) program for the conference. The chairman
<of the conference is Professor Michael J. Brennan of UCLA who will deliver
<the opening address, and the keynote speaker is Prof. Stewart C. Myers of
<MIT. Please note that many presentations on the program are tentative as
<many speakers have not been contacted yet.
<We would appreciate confirmation of your interest to participate as a
<speaker the soonest. If you agree, please confirm your presentation title
<(an indicative or suggested title has been used in the attached tentative
<program) and send us (via email) a 10-line abstract (for a practitioner
<audience) and 3-4 bullet points (one-liners) by December 17. If you think
<you can contribute better in a different capacity at the conference (e.g.,
<giving a different presentation, case study application or a tutorial) let
<us know.
<We would also appreciate your comments and suggestions for improvement or
<for added speakers. Conference registration fees will be waived for all
<The indicated conference dates (Mon.-Wed. March 13-15) and hotel are
<tentative. An alternative date under consideration is Wed-Fri. March 15-18.
<Please let us know if you have a preference or constraint in participating
<on these dates (preferably by December 15).
<Please cc your reply also to Prof. Sick at gordon.sick@rogroup.com
<Thank you.
<Attachment Converted: "e:\eudora\attach\NYMarch2000conference2.doc"
<Lenos Trigeorgis
<Professor of Finance
<University of Cyprus
<Dept of Business
<75 Kallipoleos, PO Box 537
<CY 1678 Nicosia CYPRUS
<Tel: +357 2 338762
<Fax: 339063
Lenos Trigeorgis
Professor of Finance
University of Cyprus
Dept of Business
75 Kallipoleos, PO Box 537
CY 1678 Nicosia CYPRUS

Tel: +357 2 338762
Fax: 339063