Enron Mail

Subject:Re: The GARP 2001 Convention: invitation to Speak
Date:Thu, 17 Aug 2000 04:22:00 -0700 (PDT)


I shall be glad to speak. I can address topic 2 or 4
(energy risk or volatility).

Vince Kaminski

"Andreas Simou" <andreas.simou@dynamic-events.com< on 08/15/2000 09:58:26 A=
To: <vkamins@enron.com<
cc: =20
Subject: The GARP 2001 Convention: invitation to Speak


GARP 2001

The 2nd Annual Risk Management Convention

13th & 14th February, 2001 =01) Marriott World Trade Center, New York

Dear Kaminski

Further to my telephone conversation today with your secretary, Shirley =20
Crenshaw, and on behalf of the Global Association of Risk Professionals, I=
have great pleasure in inviting you to speak at our 2nd Annual Risk=20
Management Convention =01) GARP 2001.=20

This event has rapidly establishing itself as the risk management industry=
=01,s =20
most important meeting point. GARP 2000 reflected the key concerns of risk =
management experts world-wide, with over 400 attendees in its first year.=
Three simultaneous streams address traditional pricing and risk management=
techniques, along with specialised streams addressing new sectors, such as=
the corporate world and the insurance industry. With a speaker panel of ov=
55 senior and executive financial professionals from investment banks,=20
regulatory bodies, asset management firms, academics, insurers/re-insurers=
corporate and system providers this is THE financial risk management event=
of the year.=20

Key areas that this Convention will consider include Market Risk (stress =
testing, liquidity, jump diffusion, EVT), Credit Risk (regulation, modeling=
, =20
stress testing, credit portfolio management, credit derivatives),=20
Operational Risk, (regulation, data, modeling, validation, EVT) Advanced=
Asset & Liability Management, Corporate/Energy Risk Management and the=20
Insurance & Capital Markets.

From my research and discussions with experts in this arena your name was =
highly recommended as a speaker for this event. Below is the stream on=20
Corporate / Energy Risk Management and I had in mind ONE of the sessions=
below for you. Also, the topic titles are provisional and I am open to=20
suggested alterations.

Corporate/Energy Risk Management

Modelling Corporate Risk =01) Risk Management from a Shareholder Value =20

Measuring Energy Risk =01) Tackling Price Volatility, Adapting VaR, Scenari=
o =20
Modelling and Regulatory Requirements

Forward Pricing =01) Construction of the Forward Curve, Correlations, =20
Transparency Issues

The Volatility Challenge =01) Modelling Price Volatility and Examining the =
Products Designed to Stabilise Volatility=20

Energy Credit Risk Management

GARP is a not-for-profit, independent organisation of risk management =20
practitioners and researchers from leading financial institutions=20
world-wide. GARP=01,s mission is to facilitate the exchange of information=
developing educational programs and promoting standards in the area of=20
financial risk management. For more information please refer to our web=20
site: www.garp.com

I sincerely hope you will be able to accept this invitation and I look =20
forward to hearing from you in due course. Should you have any questions=20
please do not hesitate to contact me, otherwise I will call you again on t=
discuss this further.

Best regards


PS I have also attached a copy of GARPs 2000 program for your attention.
Andreas Simou
GARP 2001 - Conference Producer
Tel? +44 (0) 20 7626 9301
Fax +44 (0) 20 7626 9900
- Draft programme.doc
- g2000b&wlowr.pdf