Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Wharton Tiger team #3
Cc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, degiacic@wharton.upenn.edu
Bcc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, degiacic@wharton.upenn.edu
Date:Tue, 30 Jan 2001 10:34:00 -0800 (PST)


Would you please coordinate John Henderson into the Thursday videoconference?

---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 01/30/2001
06:31 PM ---------------------------

Mohn Henderson@NEWPOWER

01/30/2001 04:13 PM

Sent by: Melissa Corley@NEWPOWER
To: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES
cc: jhenders@newpower@EES, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melinda
McCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron, degiacic@wharton.upenn.edu
Subject: Re: Wharton Tiger team #3

John would prefer to join the Thursday call via teleconference. If you could
provide the dial in number he will call in.


Melissa Corley

John Henderson

Christie Patrick@ECT
01/30/2001 03:50 PM

To: jhenders@newpower@EES, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Melinda McCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron, degiacic@wharton.upenn.edu
Subject: Wharton Tiger team #3

Hi John and Vince!

John, hopefully you received my voice mail regarding the matter set forth

I'm in NY now and won't return until Thursday morning. Perhaps it would be
easiest for John to come to the video conference on Thursday (if he's in
Houston) or via telephone if he's travelling??

Whatever you both think is best..please let me know!

My assistant, Melinda McCarty, is setting up the call location at the Enron
Building, as well as the dial-in number with Donna Piazze at Wharton.

Melinda, please include John in the distribution of the video conference


---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 01/30/2001
03:43 PM ---------------------------

"DeGiacinto, Clayton" <degiacic@wharton.upenn.edu< on 01/30/2001 02:00:07 PM
To: "'Christie.Patrick@enron.com'" <Christie.Patrick@enron.com<
cc: "Feerick, Dennis" <dennisf@wharton.upenn.edu<, "Lessar, Stephen"
<lessars@wharton.upenn.edu<, "Vittal, Maheshram" <mvittal@wharton.upenn.edu<,
"Bassal, Omar" <bassalo@wharton.upenn.edu<, "Cummins, Marc"
Subject: Wharton Tiger team #3


As we talked last Thursday via video teleconference, we are planning to
narrow our scope to focus on a marketing/promotion plan for NewPower
including value-added products and services for the future. Before we talk
again on Thursday, we would like to speak with John Henderson again to see if
he recommends any specific items he would like us to address.

We are having trouble contacting him and wonder if you could facilitate a
phone meeting between us, or if it would be best to include him in our next
video teleconference. We are available the next two days at 1pm and 4pm
Houston time.

We understand that John is a very busy person, and we appreciate any help you
can give in getting us together to ensure our work is commensurate with his


Enron Team 3 (Retail)