Enron Mail

To:naveen.andrews@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com
Subject:Re: smoothing methodology for extracting forward forward
Date:Fri, 17 Nov 2000 06:59:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,
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X-From: Tanya Tamarchenko
X-To: Naveen Andrews, Alex Huang
X-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue, Vladimir Gorny
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Following up on our discussions I implemented one method for creating forward
forward curve
from implied vol curve.
I sorted out 12 forward curves from an original forward vol curve, each of 12
curves corresponding
to certain month. Then I fitted each of 12 curves with a function:

y=a+A/power(x+b, beta)

I figured out that when beta is from (0, .5) the above function is suitable
for performing our bootstrapping
routine of deriving ff vols from implied, because:

y(x+t) * y(x+t) * (x+t) - y(x) * y(x) * tx< 0 for all x, t.

(I have to double check on this again. Also when beta<0.5 there are some
combinations of parameters a, A, b, beta
for which above equality holds). Even with restriction on beta this class of
functions represents quite a variety of shapes.

Below you see the example of fitting as well as the example of ff vol curve
constructed from implied vol curve for NG.

I'll try this for power as well.

Any comments?