Enron Mail

Subject:Re: summer work..
Date:Wed, 2 May 2001 08:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sounds great!!
It matches my interest exactly,
I really like it..

I'll send you an email after I talk with
my advisor tomorrow.

However I wonder
what will happen to work with DealBench team
if I join the project?

thanks for your quick response.
Jinbaek Kim
Ph.D Candidate
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Go Bears!

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On Wed, 2 May 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:

< Jinbaek,
< This is a project related to automated trading platforms for commodities.
< Vince
< Jinbaek Kim <jinbaek@ieor.berkeley.edu< on 05/02/2001 05:21:40 PM
< To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com
< cc:
< Subject: Re: summer work..
< Dr. Kaminski,
< thanks for your mail.
< I am sorry that I'll not be available earlier,
< I will talk with my advisor, but
< probably it will be pretty negative.
< however, I may be able to start it from June1,
< depending on what he tells..
< We will meet tomorrow afternoon,
< so I'll be able to let you know
< whether we can start work earlier then.
< And could you tell me briefly
< what are those projects you have in mind?
< Thanks!
< -----------------------------------------------------------------------
< Jinbaek Kim
< Ph.D Candidate
< Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
< U.C.Berkeley
< http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~jinbaek
< Go Bears!
< :"'._..---.._.'"; `. .' .' `.
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< On Wed, 2 May 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:
< <
< < Jinbaek,
< <
< < Thanks for your message.
< <
< < We have a number of additional fascinating projects that you can work
< < on. As a matter of fact, it would be great to have you here earlier.
< <
< < Vince
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< < "Jinbaek Kim" <jinbaek@ieor.berkeley.edu< on 05/02/2001 05:18:32 AM
< <
< < To: <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com<, "Raghavan, Suresh"
< < <Suresh.Raghavan@ENRON.com<, "Mesquita, Ross"
< < <Ross.Mesquita@ENRON.com<
< < cc: <jinbaek@ieor.berkeley.edu<
< < Subject: summer work..
< <
< <
< < Long time no see,
< < How have you been...must be busy and living a challenging life?
< < I have been pretty busy too,
< < to finish a project and write a paper, these days.
< <
< < Everything looks going OK for my summer internship.
< < I took necessary steps to work out of campus, and sent
< < signed contract to Molly a week ago..
< <
< < Here is what I am expecting to do in the summer.
< < Please let me know if you have any change in mind.
< < Actually, I wonder a little bit if DealBench changed its business
< model...
< < and maybe you got priority in something different
< < because it has been quite a while since we talked.
< < I'd like to what's going on in DealBench team...
< < Raghavan and Ross,
< < if we talk over phone it will be great!
< <
< < Dr. Kaminski,
< < If you think there is something else interesting to work with during the
< < summer,
< < to both you and I, please let me know.
< < My interest is auction, market design, and simulation.
< < I am taking a financial engineering class, (mostly on option pricing)
< < and working on electricity generator valuation problem based on
< < spark spread option.
< <
< < All of you,
< < Let's keep in touch until we meet in June!!
< <
< < Best Regards,
< < Jinbaek
< <
< <
< < Tentative Work Period: 6/4 - 8/4
< <
< < 1. Tasks:
< < 1) Survey on Auctions: the State of Art
< < Single-item auction, Multi-Unit auction, Sequential auction,
< < Multi-attribute auction, Combinatorial auction
< <
< < - Theoretical
< < - Experimental
< < - Algorithmical
< <
< < 2) Deal Bench's Auction Model Analysis
< <
< < 2. Deliverables:
< < 1) 3 Presentations:
< < - 1st presentation: around 6/30: on different auction types and
< < researches
< < - 2nd presentation: around 7/15: the State of Art in auction studies
< < - 3rd presentation: around 8/1: Deal bench's model analysis
< <
< < 2) Report:
< < Summary of auction study in laymen's term
< < Deal bench's model analysis
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <