Enron Mail

To:vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com, alexios.kol
Subject:SAP Timesheets
Date:Mon, 24 Jul 2000 05:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hello everyone:

Thanks to Krishna we have come up with a plan that I believe is going to
save everyone some time. We have created an Excel Spreadsheet, with
the time sheet form, and there is a tab for each of you, in alphabetical
by first name across the bottom of the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is saved in O:\Research\Common\SAP Timesheets\MMM-DD.
(MMM = month and DD = 15th or end of the month time period - i.e., this time
period is 7/16 - 7/31/00). The regular 8 hour days have already been entered
for each of you. Therefore, if you have no exceptions you just need to type
your name in the bottom right corner by the place marked (Emp Sign), and save

If you do have exception time, simply open that particular pay period and
show the exception time (off-duty,vacation, overtime, sick time, jury time,
time, etc.) that you may have had during that pay period. Some of the codes
have already been entered for you, the rest are listed at the bottom of the
spreadsheet and just change the ones that are already there for whatever

If you are an exempt employee you need only show your off-duty time
or exception time. If you are non-exempt you must show all hours worked
and if you have overtime, you must add that to the 8 hours regular time.
There is no code for non-exempt overtime.

This should make it much easier for everyone. However, I will need you to
fill out this timesheet form by the 13th and 29th of each month. I will
try and remind you by email the day before.

I would still appreciate your emailing me of any vacation, HOD day, or any
off-duty that you know about before hand, that way if you are out of pocket
for any
reason and cannot fill in one of the forms, I will be able to fill in your
timesheet for you.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

