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Vince ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2001= =20 03:15 PM --------------------------- evan@syncrasy.com on 04/12/2001 01:31:37 PM To: vkamins@ect.enron.com cc: =20 Subject: Syncrasy prepares you for the summer [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] =20 Syncrasy, LLC=01v=20 713.228.8470 Off =20 713.228.4147 Fax=20 909 Texas Avenue =20 Suite 1314 =20 Houston, TX 77002=20 www.syncrasy.com=20 Sales: =20 713.228.4407=20 Development Offices: =20 970.247.4139 Off =20 970.247.7951 Fax=20 835 Main Avenue =20 Suite 221 =20 Durango, CO 81301 =09 =09 =09 =09Is your Company financially susceptible to weather fluctuations? =09 =09??????????? [IMAGE]Syncrasy=01,s Weather Analysis Tool (SWAT=01vwill hel= p. =09 =09Does weather forecast uncertainty slow the speed=20 =09at which your business makes decisions? =09 =09??????????? [IMAGE]Examine Syncrasy=01,s application Forecast Analysis a= nd=20 Confidence Trading System (FACTS=01v =09 =09How accurate is your current weather information? =09 =09??????????? [IMAGE]Examine Syncrasy=01,s application Weather Analysis an= d Vendor=20 Evaluation System (WAVES=01v =09 =09? =09 =09How timely is your current weather information? =09 =09??????????? [IMAGE]Examine Syncrasy=01,s Model Status page. =09 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09SPOT WEATHER ANOMOLIES QUICKLY =09 =09Using Syncrasy's proprietary visualization tools, a user can quickly com= pare=20 the output of up to 4 weather forecasting models for a specific time period= .=20 Syncrasy's visualization tool projects each model over an identical nationa= l=20 grid, and a zoom feature allows synchronized zooming into any particular=20 region of the continental US. For an example, view the Multi-Panel Graphic= =01v=20 on our website.=20 =09 =09?=20 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09QUANTIFY YOUR WEATHER RISK=20 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09Syncrasy provides individual forecasts for over 1,600 weather stations i= n the=20 continental US. For any one of these stations, you can compare all 14 weath= er=20 forecasts side-by-side either to gain statistical confidence in a particula= r=20 outcome or to quantify the weather risk of a specific forecast. If you rel= y=20 on weather forecasts, you should be aware of the extent to which all 14=20 forecasts agree (or disagree) with each other. For an example, visit=20 Syncrasy's Forecast Analysis and Confidence Trading System (FACTS)=01v on = our=20 website.=20 =09 =09WHICH WEATHER FORECAST IS MORE ACCURATE? =09 =09Discover which weather forecast has been historically the most accurate = for a=20 particular city over any selected time period (such as last week, month,=20 season, etc.). Refine your analysis with data filters. For example, use a= =20 filter to determine which of the weather forecasting models is most accurat= e=20 when actual temperatures are greater than 90 degrees, or when temperatures= =20 change more than 10 degrees within an hour. For an example, see Syncrasy's= =20 Weather Accuracy & Vendor Evaluation System (WAVES)=01v on our website.=20 =09 =09CONDUCT DETAILED, PRECISE ANALYSES USING "DIFFERENCE GRAPHICS" =09 =09 =09 =09 =09"Difference Graphics" refers to the spatially calculated difference for = a=20 single output. Difference Graphics allows a user to analyze discrepancies= =20 between any 2 weather forecasting models for any time period. For example,= =20 using Difference Graphics, a user can view the difference in surface=20 temperature between "Weather Vendor A" and "Weather Vendor B" across the US= =20 for tomorrow at 2pm. A user could also view how "Weather Vendor A" has=20 changed since the prior forecast. For an example visit Syncrasy's =20 Difference Graphics.=20 =09?=20 =09 [IMAGE] =09 =09 =09 =09?=20 =09 =09 =09ENHANCE YOUR WEATHER COMPARISONS TO INCLUDE TRAILING AVERAGES =09 =09The meteorological community frequently relies on one dataset for compar= ative=20 purposes: the "30 year average." This "30 year average," however, may not b= e=20 an ideal comparison as it is defined as the 30 year average over the period= =20 from 1961 to 1990. Syncrasy broadens the user's information by including=20 options allowing users to compare any weather forecast to the trailing 30,= =20 15, 10, or 5 year averages. =20 =09 =09A REAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: YOU HAVE THE INFORMATION FIRST!=20 =09 =09 =09 =09 [IMAGE] =20 =09?=20 =09 =09Syncrasy's"Mach-5" technique expeditiously reports information to users = in=20 advance of typical weather data feeds which may experience bottlenecks duri= ng=20 peak traffic (or rely on slower satellite communication). To prove Syncrasy= 's=20 superior reporting speed, our system allows users to test our reporting spe= ed=20 for themselves by comparing our time stamps to that of their best alternati= ve=20 weather data source. Syncrasy records the time at which each weather foreca= st=20 is available on Syncrasy's system (timestamp in dark green) as well as the= =20 anticipated time the weather forecast should update (timestamp in black).= =20 Users will find our data reports FIRST offering them a valuable competitive= =20 advantage! For an example, visit Syncrasy's Model Status.=20 =09 =09 =09Syncrasy=01,s Weather Analysis Tool (SWAT=01v =09 =09SWAT=01v collects timely and comprehensive meteorologically diverse wea= ther=20 forecasts from multiple forecasting groups, such as National Weather=20 Service, universities, armed services, NASA and other research oriented=20 institutions. The data is integrated into a single analysis platform. Thi= s=20 platform includes a number of tools which may be useful to a trader and/or= =20 meteorologist. For example, SWAT=01v assists users in the following tasks:= =20 identifying and quantifying weather risk for some future time period;=20 tracking the historical performance of different weather forecasting=20 methodologies; and, creating a proprietary forecast.=20 =09 =09SWAT=01vcurrently collects 14 forecasts covering next hour through 16 d= ays in=20 the future. This data (and risk analysis) is available on the SWAT=01vbefo= re=20 most companies (especially those companies that depend on traditional=20 satellite links). All these weather forecasts can be viewed graphically (a= s=20 a national view or hemispheric view, were applicable) or viewed in a tabula= r=20 format.=20 =09 =09SWAT=01vFEATURES: =09 =09Compare SWAT features to other products in the marketplace. =20 =09 =09SYNCRASY=01vis designed for use by: =09 =09 Meteorologists ???? Power Analysts ???? Power Traders ???= ? =20 Risk Management ???? Executives=20 =09 =09At Syncrasy=01vwe believe our system to be the only available service of= its=20 kind. Our research has found no other data source as comprehensive for=20 statistical analysis of weather forecast performance. As a Subscriber to ou= r=20 service, you will have use of cutting edge technology at your fingertips. I= t=20 is fast, reliable, and easy to use.=20 =09 =09SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Sales Office 713-228-4407 or Online at=20 www.syncrasy.com =20 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09=20 =09 =09 909 Texas Ave., Suite 1314 =20 =09 713.228.8470 Main =20 =09 www.syncrasy.com=20 =09 835 Main Ave., Suite 221 =20 =09 970.247.4139 Main =20 =09 Houston, TX 77002=20 =09 713.228.4147 Fax=20 =09 =09Durango, CO 81301=20 =09 970.247.7951 Fax=20 =09 =09 713.228.4407 Sales =20 =09 =09 =09 =09=20 =09