Enron Mail

To:raymond.bowen@enron.com, wes.colwell@enron.com, janet.dietrich@enron.com,jeff.donahue@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com, george.mcclellan@enron.com, jere.overdyke@enron.com, brian.redmond@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.
Subject:United Way Executive Solicitation
Cc:cindy.skinner@enron.com, ted.bland@enron.com, david.delainey@enron.com,marsha.schiller@enron.com, shirley.tijerina@enron.com, christy.chapman@enron.com, stella.ely@enron.com, kimberly.hillis@enron.com, yolanda.ford@enron.com, donna.baker@enron.com,
Bcc:cindy.skinner@enron.com, ted.bland@enron.com, david.delainey@enron.com,marsha.schiller@enron.com, shirley.tijerina@enron.com, christy.chapman@enron.com, stella.ely@enron.com, kimberly.hillis@enron.com, yolanda.ford@enron.com, donna.baker@enron.com,
Date:Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

As you know, Enron=01,s United Way Executive Solicitation is well under way=
. =20
August 9th is the target date to achieve 100% participation and finalize th=
commitment from our executives and is also the date for the kickoff of the=
company wide drive. We have a way to go to meet this objective. As of=20
August 3rd less than 25% of our executives have turned in their pledge. =20
Enron=01,s United Way goal for the year is $2.3 million (before the corpora=
match). ENA=01,s share of this goal is $346,500. While these are aggressiv=
goals, they are very doable, and if everyone contributes their fair share, =
can easily surpass these goals.=20

Along with focusing on meeting our financial goals, I=01,d like to have 100=
participation throughout the organization. This is especially important=20
among our executives. We define "participation" as an employee who has=20
completed their pledge on-line and made a contribution, no matter what the=

I am a proud member of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society, which is a=20
contributor of $10,000 or more and have pledged significantly more this yea=
than last year. Enron has 39 members of this Society, only 5 of which are=
from ENA. I would like to see this number increase significantly and if yo=
are able, I would like you to consider stepping up to this level. Given th=
fact that Enron executives are highly compensated with generous options and=
bonus program, I encourage each of you to at least become a member of the=
"Make a Difference" Club, which is a contribution of 1.2% of your annual=20
salary. I would also challenge each of you to increase your pledge this=20
year, regardless of your level of giving last year.
With the campaign going on-line with electronic pledging, I=01,ll need the=
support of you and your campaigners to increase participation levels across=
the ENA organization and reach our financial goals. Whatever your decision=
regarding the level of your pledge, we need 100% participation from our=20
Executives in order to set a good example for the rest of ENA. Your=20
contribution to the United Way will continue to make a difference in our=20
community. When you give, you change a life right here in our community.

Please join me in setting the standard for ENA by giving generously and=20
getting your pledges in by August 9th.

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