Enron Mail

Subject:possible RTP conference
Date:Thu, 1 Mar 2001 06:29:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Mr. Kaminski:

Thank you for talking with me about a possible RTP conference. I would
like to include some discussions of what has been learned in other industries.

As I indicated, Frank Wolak suggested that I contact you. In discussing
power markets with Frank and other colleagues at Stanford and EPRI, it
seems quite evident that real-time pricing for retail customers is the
"forgotten resource" in more efficient power markets. There seems to be a
lot of confusion about what RTP means and it also seems that many
researchers need to address some practical but important problems. I was
asked whether a group like Stanford's EMF might explore this topic and give
it the visibility that would have it considered more seriously by

Frank thought that you might be someone who could help me structure a
useful approach and who might also see whether Enron could become a major
sponsor. I was hoping that this issue was sufficiently important to Enron
that the company might consider providing $25,000. As you may appreciate,
it requires some thought and effort to make sure that the product of the
conference is widely circulated among key government groups.

I would be very interested in hearing from you if you can provide ideas and
recommendations for people (perhaps yourself or a colleague) to
participate. I would also appreciate any consideration by Enron of
providing funding for this effort.

Thank you,
Hill Huntington

- retail notes.rtf
Hillard G. Huntington
EMF - an international forum on
energy and environmental markets Voice: (650) 723-1050
408 Terman Center Fax: (650) 725-5362
Stanford University Email: hillh@stanford.edu
Stanford, CA 94305-4026

EMF Website: http://www.stanford.edu/group/EMF/