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Attached is a copy of the SDDP Methodology manual, written by the developers. The model was developed by Mario Pereira, who is the proprietor of PSRI (Power Systems Research Inc) in Rio de Janeiro. Their web site is: www.psr-inc.com where you can find more information about the company and contact details. Mario and most of the staff speak English, so phone calls are possible. Development of SDDP was originally done on a World Bank contract to compare the benefits of new generation and transmission system interconnections in Central America. It has since found much wider application. The code runs on a PC, and is licensed to a number of consultants, power companies, etc. While I was with ECNZ in Wellington, New Zealand, we purchased a copy around 1994. The model works with weekly or monthly time steps, with a time horizon of from 1 to 10 years, for mid to long range planning of hydro thermal power systems. It represents loads in each period as from one to five load blocks, so it is not a chronological model. This type of model can not handle thermal plant ramp rates and similar chronological system constraints. I'm not sure how important that would be to you. The optimization phase of the model takes into account hydrological uncertainty using a form of stochastic dynamic programming with sampling. This phase sets up a function for water value in each large reservoir in the system. The simulation phase uses a number of hydrological outcomes to collect statistics on how the system would operate. The water values can be used with the short term optimization mode of SDDP or in some other more detailed short term optimization model. Most constraints found in hydro systems can be modelled. Many transmission constraints can be modelled. A DC load flow option can be used to determine bus nodal prices. A Visual Basic user interface is provided which reads and writes text files. If you'd like to know more about SDDP, you could call me here in Houston. (tel 001 713 345 8539) yours Tom Halliburton