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Subject:Fwd: SIAM invitation
Date:Tue, 17 Apr 2001 13:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Subject: SIAM invitation
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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2001
10:03 PM ---------------------------

"William Fitzgibbon" <fitz@math.uh.edu< on 03/13/2001 08:45:57 PM

To: <vkamins@enron.com<
cc: <elizabet@math.uh.edu<
Subject: SIAM invitation

Dear Dr. Kaminski

here is an email invitation for teh SIAM event. A hard copy will follow

Dr. V. Kaminski
P.O. Box 1188
Houston, Texas 77251-1188

Dear Dr. Kaminski

March 12, 2001

I am writing to formalize your invitation to attend, participate, and speak
in the SIAM Southwest Regional Mathematics in Industry Workshop. A time
span of thirty minutes is being allotted to invited talks with an
ten minutes or so for discussion. The workshop, funded under the auspices
of a National Science Foundation grant to SIAM will not be a standard
applied mathematics event with representatives from industry, academe, and
governmental agencies presenting their latest research results. Instead
meeting will emphasize the mathematics and technology currently applied to
the projects of industry and governmental laboratories. Additionally the
event will focus upon the mechanisms facilitating interaction and
collaboration between the academy, industry, and government laboratories.

The workshop will be held at the University of Houston Hilton Hotel, April
27-28. Funds will be available to support both travel expenses and the
of food and lodging of invited speakers. We will be happy to make travel
arrangements on this end if so desired.

We hope that you can accept our invitation. If this is the case please
furnish us with a title, a short abstract, and a list of the necessary
equipment for your presentation.

We look forward to seeing you at the University of Houston.


W. Fitzgibbon