Enron Mail

Subject:ALLIANCE FERC ALERT: FERC Issues Letter to State Commissions on
Date:Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:12:40 -0800 (PST)

Cc: bhindin@eei.org, bnixon@eei.org, cforbes@eei.org, ddworzak@eei.org,
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FERC issued a letter to the Northeast State Commissioners requesting their views on several questions before the Commission on RTO formation. FERC presented 11 questions for the Northeast states to address and respond back by January 18, 2002. FERC will also initiate in mid-January a conference call with the state commissions to discuss what will be in the written comments.

From the questions posed, it is appears that FERC has not decided some very critical questions about RTOs in the Northeast, i.e. scope and configuration, market interface, role of reliability, and market monitoring. FERC is honoring the commitment it made in its November order vowing to work with the state commissions and incorporate their concerns and views.

Attached is the letter.


Tonja Wicks
Manager, Energy Supply Policy
Alliance of Energy Suppliers
Edison Electric Institute
Phone: (202) 508-5098
Fax: (202) 508-5600
Fax: (202) 508-5445
- RTO-NE-website-letter.pdf
- Tonja Wicks.vcf