Enron Mail

Subject:ALLIANCE FERC ALERT: FERC Issues Notice Staying Effects of
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:32:51 -0800 (PST)

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Attached is the notice issued by FERC which acknowledges the Alliance of Energy Suppliers' filing requesting FERC to stay the effects of the Section 206 proceeding on market power and delay applying certain aspects of FERC's new Supply Margin Assessment (SMA) screen to test for market power. This is a major victory for the Generator and Power Marketing community...

In addition, FERC announces an upcoming technical conference to allow industry to weigh in on the discussion and provide FERC with an operation's perspective and illustrate possible ramifications of such extreme measures as the ones FERC proposed in its November 20 order.

Also of note, FERC directed transmission providers, who perform studies pursuant to a request for interconnection, to treat unaffiliated entities, at their request, as competing network resources in meeting load and load growth and to post optimum areas (from a transmission perspective) on their systems for locating prospective generation.

Notice attached

Tonja Wicks
Manager, Energy Supply Policy
Alliance of Energy Suppliers
Edison Electric Institute
Phone: (202) 508-5098
Fax: (202) 508-5600
Fax: (202) 508-5445
- FERC AEP SMA notice 12-20-01.doc
- Alliance of Energy Suppliers.vcf