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Cc: dowens@eei.org, llogan@eei.org
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: dowens@eei.org, llogan@eei.org X-From: "The Alliance of Energy Suppliers" <alliance@eei.org< X-To: Generation and Power Marketing Executives <ipp-news-contacts@listserver.eei.org< X-cc: David Owens <DOwens@eei.org<, Lawrence Logan <LLogan@eei.org< X-bcc: X-Folder: \VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\Kaminski, Vince J\Deleted Items X-Origin: Kaminski-V X-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst [IMAGE] GENERATOR/POWER MARKETING FERC Agenda Memo for October 24, 2001 Introduction RTO Week shedded a new light on the pace and direction that the Commission may go in with respect to RTO development. During discussions with the state commission representatives on Thursday, Chairman Wood said with regards to the hard and fast number of RTOs he desired, "the number 4 is officially gone.. if it ever was essentially here." Chairman Wood was very receptive to the recommendations and pleas of the state commissioners and declared that the FERC would take as much time as it needed and that it was "committed to getting the right outcome." With that being said, 5 of the RTO-related proceedings on the agenda for next week's FERC meeting will probably result in extensive discussions encapsulating this week's RTO Week developments and a retreat from a prescriptive order or rulemaking issuing at this time. Commission Agenda: http://www.ferc.fed.us/PUBLIC/ISD/Sunshine.htm If you would like copies of any orders, please do not hesitate to contact us. Below are individual case descriptions. In addition, the Commission will discuss four new "Administrative" issues: A-4 AD02-4 Reliability, Security and Market Operations A-2 AD02-2 Legislative Matters A-3 AD02-3 Customer Matters A-1 AD02-1 Agency Administrative Matters RTO Developments E-1 Discussion of RTO Developments in the Northeast EX02-1-000; RT01-99 PJM; RT01-98 PJM-West; New York ISO RT01-95; Commission discussion on the FERC's ALJ Northeast RTO Mediation Report and comments filed by industry. E-2 Discussion of RTO Developments in the Southeast EX02-2; RT01-100 Gridsouth; RT01-34 Southwest Power Pool; RT01-75 Entergy Services; RT01-77 Southern Company Services - Commission discussion on the FERC's ALJ Southeast RTO Mediation Report and comments filed by industry. E-3 Discussion of RTO Developments In the Midwest EX02-3; RT01-87 Midwest ISO/Alliance; EL01-80 National Grid USA - Commission discussion on RTO developments in the Midwest region. At the last Commission meeting, FERC gave the Midwest ISO a big boost toward the RTO finish line. The discussions with state commissions at this week's RTO week conference may slow down FERC's efforts in mandating RTO structure in the Midwest also. E-4 Discussion of Western Infrastructure Adequacy Conference AD01-2 - Commission discussion on FERC's agenda and scope of the "Adequacy of Western Infrastructure" conference announced at the September 26 Commission meeting and to be held during the Western Governor's Association's meeting on November 2 in Seattle, WA. E-5 Electricity Market Design and Structure RM01-12 - Commission action in response to RTO Week developments and comments filed in the "Electricity Market Design Structure" docket. Market Complaints E-19 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. v. Sellers of Energy EL00-95-034; EL00-98-038 - Order on the CA ISO's compliance filing proposing a new generator outage and maintenance coordination plan. Dynegy and other protesters allege that the CA ISO is attempting to circumvent FERC and "seize control of the outage monitoring" function that is currently FERC' s responsibility and role. E-21 Pacificorp Power Marketing ER01-2685-000 - Order on Pacificorp Power Marketing's request to withdraw its filing of a 10-year power Purchasing Agreement contract with the California Department of Water Resources. Attempting to comply with a Commission order in the Southern Case rescinding waiver and requiring that all long-tern power contacts be filed with the Commission in place of submitting quarterly power marketing reports, Pacificorp filed its long-term contract and later realized that the waiver was still in effect at the time it made the power contract filing. As a result, Pacifcorp filed to withdraw its earlier contract filing. The California Public Utilities Commission filed protest to the withdrawal. E-26 Mirant et al. v. ISO New England, Inc. EL01-93-001 - Order on NSTAR's request for rehearing of the Commission's 8/10/01 order upholding the ISO NE's market rules, which include Market Rule No. 17 affording the ISO NE discretion to negotiate mitigation agreements and enter into market power mitigation contracts with generators. In response to the rehearing request, the ISO NE filed for clarification of this exemption to file mitigation agreements with the FERC, under its discretion granted per the approved market rules. E-30 Calpine Eastern Corp., Mirant et al. v. ISO New England EL01-124-000 - Order on Calpine's complaint against the ISO NE for excluding external energy contracts from its calculation of the energy clearing price for the ISO's market. Tonja Wicks Manager, Energy Supply Policy Alliance of Energy Suppliers Edison Electric Institute Phone: (202) 508-5098 Fax: (202) 508-5600 Fax: (202) 508-5445 ______________________________________________ To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to alliance@eei.org containing the following information: name, company, title, address, phone, fax and e-mail address. To unsubscribe from this list, send an e-mail to alliance@eei.org containing your name and e-mail address. For more information, please contact the Allaince of Energy Suppliers at alliance@eei.org P-(202) 508-5098 F-(202) 508-5600 Tonja Wicks Manager, Energy Supply Policy Alliance of Energy Suppliers Edison Electric Institute Phone: (202) 508-5098 Fax: (202) 508-5600 Fax: (202) 508-5445 - IMAGE.gif - Tonja Wicks.vcf ********** Several EEI meetings have been postponed or canceled. For more information about a specific meeting, go to ( http://www.eei.org/resources/meetings/postponements.htm )