Enron Mail

Subject:Access to Critical Trade Information
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:07:57 -0800 (PST)

Link to www.ze.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Critical Trade Information on a Timely Basis [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE]Price Views - Market Views - Credit Views An Unforgiving Ma=
rket Deciphering and responding to elements driving the changing competitiv=
e power and natural gas markets is an inordinately complex task. The chal=
lenge has proven to be too difficult for even some of the largest players;=
those which have appeared to be the most stable and capable. The plights =
of Enron, the California Power Exchange, SDG&E and PG&E highlight the diff=
iculties that sophisticated market participants and regulators face when t=
rying to manage change. The Enron collapse, in particular, should drive ho=
me the extent of exposure that interconnected counterparties and market pa=
rticipants face. The market is impartial and unforgiving. From the biggest=
to the smallest; the public and the private, all face similar risks and =
have similar needs. The major ratings agencies and the financial community=
have begun to focus heavily on the risks and information requirements of =
the power industry. We, as active market participants, must also be concer=
ned about these risks, taking steps to identify, measure and mitigate them=
as much as possible. In most cases, the difference between success and fa=
ilure depends on whether you have access to the right data and are able to=
use it in the right way in a timely manner. Maintaining a competitive a=
dvantage and surviving the volatile swings of transacting in competitive e=
nergy markets requires having access to, and being able to interpret and r=
espond to, the right data before such information becomes commonly obvious=
. Hindsight is 20/20 - success in evolving markets is achieved through de=
veloping the capability and foresight to take preventative and proactive s=
teps. History of Providing Clients with the Right Tools ZE PowerGroup has =
a long history of providing its clients with the strategic support they ne=
ed to navigate through uncertain markets. In response to high market deman=
d, we have developed a market-monitoring product that provides corporation=
s the market intelligence, direction, forward price views and credit data =
needed to support trading activities. We realize that the cost, expertise=
and infrastructure required to develop timely data systems and analytical=
intelligence can be prohibitive on an individual basis. We think that we =
can leverage our expertise and considerable investment in these systems wi=
th a diverse group of clients and hence, greatly reduce individual subscr=
iber costs. Decision making in current markets is not easy, it requires ri=
gorous information extraction, sophisticated data analysis and application=
of considerable expert judgment (all difficult, costly and time consuming=
endeavors) Price, Market and Credit View Subscription Service We believ=
e the service described below provides cost effective and timely access to=
information critical to portfolio management, credit risk management and =
term trading. The service will include one ZE Area and the following, 1.=
Initial report Regional background information Description of the ZE =
Forward Views development philosophy and methodology Description of th=
e credit review system and ratings methodology 2. Mid-term views (e=
ighteen months); includes Monthly average prices and LLH/HLH differen=
tials Provide probabilistically derived mean price view and associated =
bands of uncertainty (5%, 25%, 75% 95%) Provided for client selected el=
ectric and gas hubs Detailed explanation of assumptions Tables and G=
raphs provided in user friendly excel sheets Updated monthly 3. Inte=
rmediate-term views (five year); includes Monthly average prices for s=
ixty months and LLH/HLH differentials Provide probabilistically derived=
mean price view and associated bands of uncertainty (5%, 25%, 75% 95%) =
Provided for client selected electric and gas hubs Detailed explanati=
on of assumptions Tables and Graphs provided in user friendly excel she=
ets Updated quarterly 4. Long-term views (twenty year); includes =
Yearly average prices for twenty years Provide probabilistically deriv=
ed mean price view and associated bands of uncertainty (5%, 25%, 75% 95%)=
Provided for client selected electric and gas hubs Detailed explana=
tion of assumptions Tables and Graphs provided in user friendly excel s=
heets Updated semi-annually 5. Executive market views: Two page r=
egional review which provides key perspectives on market events Deliver=
ed monthly [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 6. Counter-party credit vi=
ews ZE PowerGroup uses its software and expertise, combined with finan=
cial and market analysis to develop client specific credit reviews of coun=
ter-parties. Clients can specify the counterparties that they wish to =
have reviewed. Counter-party reviews are updated monthly; includes upda=
ting credit review rating, updating of trade limits and reporting of assum=
ptions/changes from last period Contact To download a PDF brochure =
with additional information click here . To speak to someone directly re=
garding the service, pricing or product customization please contact: P=
aul Seo Marketing Manager paul@ze.com , 604-244-1469 or Aiman El-Ramly=
Vice President Marketing and Business Development aiman@ze.com , 604-24=
4-1654. General information about ZE PowerGroup can be found at www.ze=
.com . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] Link to www.ze.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
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