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Best Practices for DEMAND-RESPONSE PROGRAMS Retain Customers, S= ell Surplus Output and Minimize Capacity Constraints Using Technologies wh= ile Allowing Optimal Return on Investment March 7-8, 2002 * Westin Galle= ria Hotel Houston * Houston, TX Request More Information Register N= ow! Remarkable Best Practices Presented by these Leading Companie= s: Apogee Interactive Aquila Cannon Technologies e-Acumen EnerTouch G= ulf Power ISO New England KeySpan MetroGen Pasadena Water and Power Qu= antum Consulting RETX Southern California Edison TXU Energy Services Xc= el Energy Exemplary First-Hand Experiences and Award-Winning Case Stud= ies: Gulf Power - Combines pricing incentives with gateway technology for= a new formula for success ISO New England - The role of location-based ma= rginal pricing, transmission constraints and the wholesale-to-retail connec= tion KeySpan - Understands customer needs in load reduction strategies TX= U Energy Services - Advantages and disadvantages of aggregation for demand = response The City of Pasadena - Complements existing customer care program= s with an innovative load reduction program to "keep the lights on" South= ern California Edison - Rolled out 6 new programs and shares its experience= s with multiple capacity and energy programs MetroGen - A New York Case St= udy - Realize the economics and technology behind building a 1 MW distribut= ed generation project RETX - Shows the benefit of allowing end users to re= ceive price signals and the related ROI And = The role of location-b= ased marginal pricing, transmission constraints and the wholesale-to-retail= connection in successful demand response programs Quantify and combine s= pecific market-related risks to ensure thorough decisions How you can bri= dge the gap between customer and trading interfaces of load management Plu= s Choose From 2 Pre-Conference Workshops - Monday, February 25, 2002= A Developing a Project - How to Execute a Demand-Response Progr= ams B Weather Forecasting and Risk Management to Complete Your Load M= anagement Program =09 Customer Service Center Download Brochure [IMAGE] =09 Contact Inf= ormation CBI prides itself on making the registration process fast and con= venientby providing 5 easy ways to register! [IMAGE] FAX 781-939-2490 = [IMAGE] PHONE 800-817-8601 781-939-2438 [IMAGE] WEBSITE cbinet.co= m [IMAGE] MAIL Registration Dept CBI 500 W. Cummings Park, Ste 5100= Woburn, MA 01801 [IMAGE] EMAIL kimh@cbinet.com =09 =20 If you received this e-mail in error or would like to be removed, PLEASE C= LICK HERE=20 0000639675