Enron Mail

Subject:Brazil Energy 2002
Date:Tue, 15 Jan 2002 07:04:23 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] =09
Request More Information Register Now! Learn from Leaders in Braz=
il's Energy Markets [IMAGE] "Outcomes of the Government's Response to =
the Power Crisis" Pedro Pullen Parente, Minister Chief of Staff, Presi=
dency of Brazil Agencia Nacional de Petroleo (ANP) Baker & McKenzie Ban=
co Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econ?mico e Social (BNDES) CMS Energy Cou=
dert Brothers LLP DCT Energia Fitch InterGen Marubeni Power Internation=
al Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP Ministerio de Minas e Energia Opera=
dor Nacional do Sistems Eletrico (ONS) Overseas Private Investment Corpo=
ration (OPIC) PETROBRAS Souza, Cescon Avedissian, Barrieu e Flesch Advog=
ados Taylor-DeJongh, Inc. Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados UBS Warburg=
Updates from: Ministerio de Minas e Energia (MME) Agencia Nacional =
de Petroleo (ANP) Operador Nacional do Sistems Eletrico (ONS) Effects on=
investment of the macroeconomic environment, devaluation, currency risks,=
conflicting political agendas and the 2002 elections Market impact of Pet=
robras's vertical integration and its role in the government's Emergency Po=
wer Plant Program Potential for a competitive process for power supply con=
tracts, distribution of risk and pass through of unmanageable risk Evolut=
ion of transmission facilities - Main grid expansion; interregional and int=
ernational interconnection; results of the ANEEL auctioning process Develo=
ping wholesale gas markets - Position of Petrobras; potential new supplies=
and transportation providers The government's position on open access, to=
lls and tariffs, and the tracking account mechanism for the gas price Five=
steps to freedom - A view from the trenches on how to fix the current obs=
tacles to further development in the gas-to-power value chain C=
hoose from 2 Pre-Conference Workshops - Thursday, March 21, 2002 A.=
Obtaining Financing in a Changing Climate B. Mastering the Lega=
l Issues that Affect Energy Projects in Brazil Customer Service C=
enter Download Brochure [IMAGE] Contact Information CBI prides it=
self on making the registration process fast and convenientby providing 5 e=
asy ways to register! [IMAGE] FAX 781-939-2490 [IMAGE] PHONE 800-=
817-8601 781-939-2438 [IMAGE] WEBSITE cbinet.com [IMAGE] MAIL R=
egistration Dept CBI 500 W. Cummings Park, Ste 5100 Woburn, MA 01801 [I=
MAGE] EMAIL kimh@cbinet.com =09

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