Enron Mail

Subject:Building New Coal-Fired Generation Jan. 23-25 Phoenix AZ
Date:Mon, 14 Jan 2002 00:12:18 -0800 (PST)

=09 Building New Coal-Fired Generation January 23-25, 2002 ? The Sheraton P=
hoenix ? Phoenix, AZ Click Here To Download Complete Conference Brochure =
Is the development of new coal-fired generation about to emerge from the sh=
adow of natural gas? Many players in the energy industry have in recent yea=
rs relegated coal-fired generation to the sidelines as natural gas-fired ge=
neration swept the industry. As a result, many of these same players have a=
lso been on the sidelines-the sidelines of coal-fired generation. While f=
ew new coal-fired plants have been developed and constructed in the U.S. ov=
er the past decade, the technology and the know-how have advanced. They jus=
t haven't necessarily advanced to center stage-until now. The key to succes=
s at this stage is to gain the expertise and access the experience of seaso=
ned engineers and developers to bring coal back from the sidelines. [IMAGE=
]=09 ? Why Coal Prices Have Surged-And Their Future Direction ? Predicting =
Coal vs. Natural Gas Fuel Prices-And the Impacts on Development Viability ?=
EPC Contractor's Perspective: The Building of New Coal-Fired Generation ? =
Siting Issues and Processes for Coal-Fired Generation ? Siting New Coal-Fir=
ed Plants: The Case for Mine-Mouth Generation ? Re-Learning the Lessons of =
Contracting for Coal and Rail Transportation ? Assessing the Financeability=
of Coal-Fired Generation ? Assessing Environmental Regulatory Risk ? Strat=
egic Impacts of Changes to the New Source Review (NSR) Regulations ? Dealin=
g with NOx, SO2, Mercury and Other Standards ? Costs and Benefits of New Co=
al Technologies ? Status and Future Development of Mercury Removal Technolo=
gies ? The Role of Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology in the Future Solid=
Fuel Market ? Developments and Advantages in Super-Critical Boiler Technol=
ogy [IMAGE]=09
The Art and Science of Siting and Permitting Coal-Fired Generation: An In-D=
epth Examination=098:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m Wednesday, January 23, 2002=09
Developing Least-Cost Multipollutant Control Strategies for Coal-Fired Powe=
r Plants=091:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m Wednesday, January 23, 2002=09
=09 Click Here To Download Complete Conference Brochure =09