Enron Mail

Subject:CBI's 2nd Annual - Electric Distribution Reliability
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 07:14:32 -0800 (PST)

Register for the main conference and a pre-conference workshop by Feb=
ruary 1st and Save $400! Please mention priority code PB218EM (This is no=
t to be combined with any other offer or discount and is for new registrati=
ons only.) CBI's 2nd Annual - Electric Distribution Reliability Cost=
-Effective Measures to Improve Reliability and Increase Customer Satisfac=
tion February 25-26, 2002 * Four Points Sheraton * Miami Beach, Florida=
[IMAGE] Request More Information Register Now! Benefit fr=
om the Experience of 16 Top Reliability Experts: ABB ABB Consulting Worl=
dwide AES Intricity American Electric Power BC Hydro Commonwealth Ediso=
n CYME International Electrotek Concepts Midwest Energy PacifiCorp PJM=
Interconnection, L.L.C. Puget Sound Energy Reliant Energy HL&P San Dieg=
o Gas & Electric Seattle City Light The United Illuminating Co. Bench=
mark 7 Successful Case Examples: AES Intricity - Implements the latest re=
mote outage reporting technologies being used to minimize response time BC=
Hydro - Improves reliability by setting service targets and establishing a=
"Reliability Expectation Index" Commonwealth Edison - Uses community-base=
d load reduction initiatives to leverage the customer link between reliabil=
ity performance and revenue Midwest Energy - Ensures reliability for high-=
profile, critical needs customers using automated distribution PacifiCorp =
- Adopts technology initiatives to improve reliability for the 2002 Winter =
Olympics in Salt Lake City Puget Sound Energy - Measures reliability using=
alternative indices and benchmarks San Diego Gas & Electric Company - Pla=
ns its practical reliability strategy through predictive modeling Learn fr=
om First-Hand Industry Experiences: Seattle City Light - Mitigates the ris=
k of aging urban infrastructure with a long-term, flexible plan for distrib=
ution network design Reliant Energy HL&P - Deals with natural and manmade =
catastrophes through restoration methods and critical automation American =
Electric Power - Protects and ensures reliability using congestion manageme=
nt, measurement and design Plus! New Standard in Regional Compliance from=
the North American Reliability Council How compliance and enforcement prog=
rams will benefit the industry Distributed Generation Is it living up to =
its promise of better reliability for individual customers? Choose From 2=
Pre-Conference Workshops - Monday, February 25, 2002 A Strategic Disa=
ster Planning and Prevention to Maximize Reliability B Substation Perf=
ormance Monitoring Systems to Improve System Operations and Reliability =

Customer Service Center Download Brochure [IMAGE] =09 Contact Inf=
ormation CBI prides itself on making the registration process fast and con=
venientby providing 5 easy ways to register! [IMAGE] FAX 781-939-2490 =
[IMAGE] PHONE 800-817-8601 781-939-2438 [IMAGE] WEBSITE cbinet.co=
m [IMAGE] MAIL Registration Dept CBI 500 W. Cummings Park, Ste 5100=
Woburn, MA 01801 [IMAGE] EMAIL kimh@cbinet.com =09

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