Enron Mail

Subject:CBI's Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:20:32 -0800 (PST)

The "Attack on America" on September 11th and subsequent developments have necessitated a quantum shift in Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry. The treat and scope of malicious and purposeful sabotage today is much greater than that of natural disasters. The Center for Business Intelligence has developed the "Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry" conference. Power industry executives will examine the impact of heightened security measures on their companies' day-to-day operations. Crucial factors that will be discussed include strengthening data security and protecting against cybercrime, planning and creating inherently resilient infrastructures and assisting policymakers in developing adequate legislation to safeguard the nation's energy supply and distribution.
CBI's Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry March 25-26, 2002 * Renaissance Houston Hotel * Houston, TX

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This conference will give senior executives throughout the electric power industry the chance to educate and inform themselves on these topics of national importance.
A Faculty of international experts in the field of energy risk management and security will share their on-depth knowledge and experience with conference attendees.
*****************Special Keynote Address***************** Ongoing Legislation to Protect the Electric Power Industry Representative Jeff Morris, Washington State Legislature and Chair of the House Telecommunications, Technology and Energy Committee

Benefit from the Experience of Top Security Experts:
Associated Corporate Consultants, Inc. * Blackburn Group * Deloitte & Touche LLP * Dynegy * Electric Power Research Institute * EnergyOnline * FBI * Goldberg, Kohn, Bell, Black, Rosenbloom & Moritz * J.P. Morgan * LCG Consulting * National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners * National Regulatory Research Institute * PEPCO * Powerscourt Ltd. * Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation * Sanctum * Scalingi Group * Stone & Webster * UtiliCorp United, Inc. * San Diego Gas & Electric * Exelon Nuclear

Attend CBI's Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry conference on March 25-26, 2002 and arm yourself with the means to:

Confronting Financial Risks- Develop technology and training to address acute vulnerabilities
Financial Investment in Security Policies- Its impact on different transmission business models
Intelligent, Self-Healing Infrastructure- Minimize threats to the power system
Plan for Worst Case Scenarios- Conduct network vulnerability analyses
Protect Your Critical Data and Systems for Cyberterrorism- Ensure you are "Always-On"
Reinsurance for Terrorism- Latest U.S. federal government programs and assistance
Response and Reconstitution- Plans for Power Networks- Understand the importance of interdependencies between market participants

Hear about the Security Measures that Industry Leaders are Adopting:

UtiliCorp- Best practice in corporate security risk management in a full-service energy company
PEPCO- Latest developments in physical security practices at a major urban utility
Federal- Bureau of Investigation- energy industry impacts of Houston's National Infrastructure Protection Center

Also! Choose From 2 Pre-Conference Workshopson Monday, March 25, 2002:
Workshop A- Electronic System and Data Protection Measures for Power Companies
Workshop B- Anticipate The Worst Case Scenario- Prevent and Prepare for Potential Terrorist Attacks on Utilities
If you are interested in sponsorship & exhibit opportunities, please contact Ron Moreau by phone 781-939-2419; by fax 781-939-2495; or E-mail r.moreau@cbinet.com
For more information or to register, please call 800-817-8601, by fax at 781-939-2495; visit us online , or email cbireg@cbinet.com

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