Enron Mail

Subject:Calculating NetWare 6 licenses
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 15:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

10/25/01 - Today's focus: Calculating NetWare 6 licenses

Dear Wincenty Kaminski,

In this issue:

* Resources to help you calculate NetWare 6 licensing costs
* Links related to Novell NetWare
* Featured reader resource

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Today's focus: Calculating NetWare 6 licenses

By Dave Kearns

Last month we talked about the new user-based licensing model
for NetWare 6. No longer will you need to have a license
installed on each server for every user accessing that server.
In fact, you can have as many servers as you want - it's only
users that are licensed.

While this is good news to many NetWare sites, it could cost
some a bundle. For example, if your network is for a business
that uses four servers, each supporting 100 users from 9 to 5
Mondays through Fridays, you would have needed 100 licenses for
each of the four servers - a total of 400 licenses. With
NetWare 6, you only need 100 licenses.

On the other hand, let's say your network is for a university
with 30 servers and 5,000 users (students, professors, coaches,
business people, etc.), but no more than 20 or so users (on
average) are attached to any one server. Under the NetWare 5
license, you'd need 20 licenses per server, for a total of 600
licenses. With NetWare 6, you'd need 5,000 licenses.

OK, I exaggerated the usage - but only to make a point. Not
everyone will benefit from the new named-user licensing scheme.

Fortunately, Novell already thought of this. It's intended that no
one should have to pay more for NetWare 6 than they would for
NetWare 5. There are many, many licensing arrangements possible for
educational institutions as well as commercial (and non-commercial)
enterprises. Visit http://www.novell.com/licensing/price.html for
an overview of the various licensing schemes and download the
available spreadsheets to see what your costs will be.

One last tip: to see how many user licenses you'll need to buy
for the named-user licensing scheme, visit NetPro's Web site
(http://www.netpro.com/products/dscount/dscount_c.cfm) and
download the free DS Count utility that counts users, objects,
groups, servers, and partitions in the entire NDS/eDirectory
tree. It also displays the subtotals and totals by either
partition or container and creates a report that can be saved
or printed. It's a neat tool.

To contact Dave Kearns:

Dave Kearns is the Word Wrangler for Virtual Quill, a writing
agency serving the computer and networking industries. If
your target customer doesn't know your product, doesn't know
its uses and doesn't know he needs it, he's not going to buy
it. From books to reviews, marketing to manuals, VQ can help
you and your business. Virtual Quill - "words to sell by..."
Find out more at: http://www.vquill.com/, or by e-mail at

All you can eat Netware 6
Network World NetWare Newsletter, 09/17/01

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Copyright Network World, Inc., 2001

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