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Subject:Daily Trader Summary for Thu, May 31, 2001
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 08:09:20 -0700 (PDT)

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Complementary version of Trader Summary from Syncrasy, LLC and APB Energy=
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scribe_tradersummary@syncrasy.com Data last updated Thursday, May =
31, 2001 at 09:36AM EST Commentary last updated Thursday, May 31, 2001 =
at 10:09AM EST Meteorologist: Andy Weingarten... APB Energy / True Quote =
Click here for a definition of 'Average-Daily Maximum Temperature' To=
day: Summary Forecast for Thu, May 31, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Te=
mp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =
(Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 69 +2 ERCOT(SP) 88 =
+2 FRCC(SE) 90 +1 MAAC(NE) 71 +3 MAIN(CTR) 64 +1 MAPP(HP) 66 NC=
NPCC(NE) 61 -1 SERC(SE) 82 -1 SPP(SP) 76 -1 WSCC(NW) 82 -1 WS=
CC(RK) 77 NC WSCC(SW) 90 +1 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 62 69 58 77 73 79 83 88 =
Max 68 71 66 82 78 84 86 90 Min 57 66 52 67 67 74 78 83 Range 12=
5 13 15 10 10 8 7 StD-P 3.2 1.7 4.1 3.7 2.6 3.4 2.5 2.0 Count 9 9 9 9 =
9 9 9 9 Day 1-5 discussion: **** Two more closed Lows will develop in th=
e Northern U.S. keeping the Western heat from spreading East.**** We remai=
n in an unusually amplified pattern going into June. This should continue t=
hrough and beyond the five day period. The only area of abnormal heat right=
now is in the West where even the coastal areas of Northern California hit=
the 90's yesterday. One more day of heat is expected before a moderate int=
ensity trough pushes inland shoving the ridge position into the Intermounta=
in West. As mentioned yesterday, I am not convinced of much cooling farther=
South. It all may be temporary anyway as the ridge rebuilds to the West in=
the 6-10 day period. Meanwhile, East of the ridge plenty of jet stream ene=
rgy moves out of Canada carving out another Mississippi Valley trough that =
heads East over the weekend. There will be an upper level closed low! that =
moves from Minnesota to the Eastern Lakes by early next week. This feature =
should contain more significant rainfall deep into the South and East as we=
ll as more unusually cool air for the North and East. Late in the period, s=
ome of the models bring a weaker surge of energy down from Canada carving o=
ut another trough over the Northern and Central Plains. Tomorrow: Summary =
Forecast for Fri, Jun 1, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatil=
ity Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on ima=
ge to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 68 +1 ERCOT(SP) 90 +1 FRCC(SE) =
86 NC MAAC(NE) 69 -1 MAIN(CTR) 65 +2 MAPP(HP) 62 -1 NPCC(NE) 6=
6 +2 SERC(SE) 82 -1 SPP(SP) 81 +2 WSCC(NW) 71 -5 WSCC(RK) 82 +=
1 WSCC(SW) 86 NC Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT=
HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 61 70 61 67 79 78 86 84 Max 68 75=
69 74 83 83 89 87 Min 56 66 56 60 74 75 83 80 Range 12 8 13 14 9 8 =
6 7 StD-P 2.8 2.1 3.9 4.7 2.1 2.5 1.9 2.0 Count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Day 3=
: Summary Forecast for Sat, Jun 2, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp.=
Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Cl=
ick on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 64 -1 ERCOT(SP) 91 +3 =
FRCC(SE) 87 +1 MAAC(NE) 76 +3 MAIN(CTR) 64 -2 MAPP(HP) 68 -2 N=
PCC(NE) 67 -2 SERC(SE) 83 +2 SPP(SP) 80 NC WSCC(NW) 63 -2 WSCC(=
RK) 78 -2 WSCC(SW) 80 -1 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 60 70 64 57 80 77 86 79 Ma=
x 65 74 69 63 84 83 89 82 Min 56 65 60 51 75 74 84 77 Range 9 9 9=
12 9 9 5 5 StD-P 2.8 3.3 2.8 4.6 2.6 3.0 2.3 1.6 Count 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7=
Day 4: Summary Forecast for Sun, Jun 3, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Del=
ta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMA=
GE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 63 -5 ERCOT(SP) =
92 +2 FRCC(SE) 88 NC MAAC(NE) 71 -1 MAIN(CTR) 66 -4 MAPP(HP) 6=
3 -3 NPCC(NE) 68 +1 SERC(SE) 82 -1 SPP(SP) 82 NC WSCC(NW) 66 N=
C WSCC(RK) 69 -4 WSCC(SW) 81 NC Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 59 65 61 61 70 76 8=
9 80 Max 65 74 68 66 75 82 92 82 Min 53 58 57 57 64 73 87 78 Rang=
e 11 16 11 9 11 9 5 3 StD-P 4.4 5.3 2.7 3.0 3.7 2.5 1.4 1.1 Count 6 6 =
6 6 6 6 6 6 Day 5: Summary Forecast for Mon, Jun 4, 2001. Syncrasy's Ch=
oice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =
[IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 68 -5 =
ERCOT(SP) 90 NC FRCC(SE) 89 +1 MAAC(NE) 73 -3 MAIN(CTR) 64 -6 =
MAPP(HP) 61 -10 NPCC(NE) 67 -2 SERC(SE) 84 NC SPP(SP) 78 -2 WSC=
C(NW) 70 +3 WSCC(RK) 71 -4 WSCC(SW) 82 +1 Range Standard Devia=
tion [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 59 66 5=
9 66 71 78 86 81 Max 64 75 68 70 77 84 88 83 Min 54 59 56 65 66 75=
83 80 Range 10 15 13 6 11 9 5 4 StD-P 3.9 5.5 3.7 1.7 4.2 2.5 2.1 1.2 =
Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day 6-10 Discussion: I don't see a lot of change=
to the pattern going forward to June 10 though the models do offer differi=
ng opinions. The revered MRF has done a 180 on its forecast. For days now, =
it has advertised a NE surge of the ridge and heat into the Eastern U.S. To=
day, it shows another deep trough in the East for Day 10 and is actually th=
e coldest looking of the models. I didnt accept the warm solution earlier, =
but I think this is too extreme. The markets may not agree with me as there=
appears to be some price weakness today. On the other extreme we have the =
European model which I think brings the warm air too far North into the Pla=
ins but does acknowledge weak troughing in the NE. This brings me to the Ca=
nadian and U.S. Navy models which in my opinion hold the closest answer. I =
expect the setup to be a ridge in the inland West with a trough across the =
Great L! akes and NE. Most of the West will remain above normal and the Eas=
t below normal. The East will also continue to see the potential for above =
normal rains. Day 6: Summary Forecast for Tue, Jun 5, 2001. Syncrasy's C=
hoice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =
[IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 67 -7=
ERCOT(SP) 85 -4 FRCC(SE) 89 NC MAAC(NE) 73 -2 MAIN(CTR) 64 -10=
MAPP(HP) 66 -7 NPCC(NE) 69 -2 SERC(SE) 82 -2 SPP(SP) 77 -6 WS=
CC(NW) 72 +4 WSCC(RK) 77 NC WSCC(SW) 82 +2 Range Standard Devi=
ation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 62 72 =
61 68 79 78 82 81 Max 69 81 70 72 83 83 87 84 Min 54 64 58 66 76 7=
6 76 79 Range 16 17 12 6 7 8 11 5 StD-P 6.6 6.7 3.4 1.7 3.0 2.1 4.7 1.6=
Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day 7: Summary Forecast for Wed, Jun 6, 2001. =
Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IM=
AGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(=
CTR) 66 -9 ERCOT(SP) 85 -4 FRCC(SE) 86 -2 MAAC(NE) 71 -5 MAIN(C=
TR) 69 -6 MAPP(HP) 72 -2 NPCC(NE) 68 -1 SERC(SE) 79 -5 SPP(SP) =
80 -5 WSCC(NW) 73 +2 WSCC(RK) 79 +2 WSCC(SW) 82 +2 Range St=
andard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Me=
an 65 77 62 71 81 77 82 83 Max 77 87 69 73 84 80 88 86 Min 53 70=
60 69 79 72 75 81 Range 24 17 9 4 5 8 13 4 StD-P 9.8 6.7 2.5 1.4 1.7 3=
.9 5.6 1.2 Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day 8: Summary Forecast for Thu, Jun =
7, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][I=
MAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAG=
E] ECAR(CTR) 68 +3 ERCOT(SP) 88 +7 FRCC(SE) 87 +8 MAAC(NE) 71 =
+14 MAIN(CTR) 73 +4 MAPP(HP) 74 -3 NPCC(NE) 68 +19 SERC(SE) 80 =
+4 SPP(SP) 83 -1 WSCC(NW) 72 +7 WSCC(RK) 79 -1 WSCC(SW) 82 +5 =
Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE =
SP SW Mean 68 79 60 72 82 76 83 83 Max 77 84 68 78 84 83 89 85 M=
in 60 75 56 69 80 67 77 81 Range 17 9 13 9 4 16 12 4 StD-P 6.4 3.1 =
3.9 3.0 1.4 7.0 5.0 1.2 Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Day 9: Summary Forecast f=
or Fri, Jun 8, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix=
[IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enla=
rge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 62 -10 ERCOT(SP) 79 -1 FRCC(SE) 74 -2 =
MAAC(NE) 55 -10 MAIN(CTR) 68 -6 MAPP(HP) 75 +1 NPCC(NE) 53 +1 S=
ERC(SE) 67 -10 SPP(SP) 80 -5 WSCC(NW) 65 +2 WSCC(RK) 81 +3 WSCC=
(SW) 79 +3 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP N=
E NW RK SE SP SW Mean 69 77 57 71 81 74 83 82 Max 71 78 62 78 =
83 82 89 86 Min 68 75 54 65 77 68 79 79 Range 3 3 8 13 6 13 9 6 StD=
-P 1.1 1.2 3.4 6.3 2.2 5.7 3.2 3.0 Count 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Day 10: Summa=
ry Forecast for Sat, Jun 9, 2001. Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Vola=
tility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on =
image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 69 -3 ERCOT(SP) 81 NC FRCC(S=
E) 75 -2 MAAC(NE) 66 -3 MAIN(CTR) 74 +1 MAPP(HP) 75 -1 NPCC(NE)=
61 +7 SERC(SE) 73 -5 SPP(SP) 82 -4 WSCC(NW) 63 NC WSCC(RK) 75=
-1 WSCC(SW) 79 +2 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg =
CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 63 68 60 59 69 72 76 71 Max 72=
75 63 63 80 73 81 79 Min 53 59 57 54 56 71 71 63 Range 19 15 6 9 24=
3 10 16 StD-P 8.9 7.2 2.6 4.0 10.9 0.9 4.8 8.0 Count 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 =
Trader Summary is designed around and formatted for the [IMAGE]Plasma di=
splays, RainbowWall? and DataWall? Trader Summary can also be viewed from=
www.syncrasy.com or www.apbenergy.com or www.truequote.com [IMA=
GE] =09
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