Enron Mail

Subject:Define Success, Hire the Best
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 11:32:34 -0800 (PST)

Don't Just Hire People... Define a path for success. If you want=
to hire superior people, first define superior performance! It's better t=
o focus on what a person needs to DO, rather than what a person needs to H=
AVE. Most job descriptions are not much more than lists of skills, duties,=
responsibilities and required experience. At best, they define basic comp=
etency. If you want to hire superior people, you have to define superior p=
erformance. Once you have done this, you have moved much closer to a succe=
ssful hire. If you want to motivate the best to work with you, you must =
show them a CLEARLY DEFINED path to success. Would you take a job without=
first knowing what the job is and what needs to get done? Performance Pro=
files accomplish this. With a Performance Profile, an interviewer can easi=
ly ask the right interview questions, and discuss the position with the pe=
rson that may soon be in that position. With a comprehensible picture in y=
our head of what you want this person to do, and with a clear sense of how=
the candidate will accomplish these tasks, chances are you will hire not=
only someone that can do the job successfully, but also someone that is m=
otivated to do so. Our online course for Performance Profiles can teach y=
ou how to start hiring top performers and improve your business. You will =
learn how to: Define performance objectives Prepare a Performance Prof=
ile Assess candidates based on performance Write job ads that get better =
people Overcome hiring deal-breakers Eliminate classic hiring mistakes =
Only AFTER you define superior performance can you assess true competency =
and close the offer on your terms. Space is Limited, Sign up today! Clic=
k Here to Register Find out about other POWER Hiring courses. Regis=
ter by Phone: 1-800-559-2559 x 213 Our Guarantee: As always, we have a 10=
0% money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied for any reason, you'll re=
ceive a complete refund. No questions asked. =09

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