Enron Mail

Subject:Dell ships NetWare 6 pre-installed
Date:Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:00:00 -0800 (PST)

Today's focus: Dell ships NetWare 6 pre-installed

Dear Wincenty Kaminski,

In this issue:

* Dell finishes testing NetWare 6
* Links related to Novell NetWare
* Featured reader resource


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Today's focus: Dell ships NetWare 6 pre-installed

By Dave Kearns

Either due to the vagaries of publishing schedules, the end of
year holidays, my move from Texas to California or just
downright perversity, it seems that within days of the Dec. 12
newsletter about the hunt for pre-installed NetWare 6 servers
going out, Dell announced that it has finished its
certification tests for the operating system and is offering it
pre-installed on new servers.

Indeed, the very page I pointed to on Dell's Web site
(http://nww1.com/go/0107NW1A.html ) which in early December had
said that NetWare 6 was still undergoing testing, now says (in
big, bold letters of course): "Dell completes certification and
now fully supports NetWare 6." This led to quite a bit of
confusion on the part of readers who were a day or two late
reading that particular newsletter.

Just to set the record completely straight, here's the
chronology. NetWare 6 shipped in September. Compaq was shipping
it pre-installed by the beginning of November. Early in
December, Dell was still testing but by the middle of the month
(sometime around Dec. 13 and 14) it finished testing and began
shipping NetWare 6 pre-installed.

Of course, the one feature Dell is touting for NetWare is its
"accelerated video drivers for NetWare 5.1 and NetWare 6.0 on
PowerEdge servers." Yes, sir, nothing I want to do more than
watch movies on my server console!

Ah well, the important thing is that you can buy NetWare 6 pre-
installed on PowerEdge servers and PowerVault Storage-Area
Network servers.

While you're visiting the Web site with Dell's announcement,
click on the "NetWare White Papers" link (or go directly to
http://www.dell.com/us/en/esg/topics/power_ps3q01-main.htm )
for a fascinating account of how Dell is upgrading to NetWare
5.1 the hundreds of NetWare servers it uses in production.
It'll make your little network seem puny! But, then, that's one
of the great features of NetWare - no matter the size of your
network it seems small because it needs so little
administrative hand-holding.

To contact Dave Kearns:

Dave Kearns is a writer and consultant in Silicon Valley. His
most recent book is "Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Networks,"
published by SAMS. Dave's company, Virtual Quill, provides
content services to network vendors: books, manuals, white
papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, technical marketing
and support documents. Virtual Quill provides "words to sell
by..." Find out more at http://www.vquill.com/ or by e-mail
at mailto:info@vquill.com
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The hunt for pre-installed NetWare 6 servers
Network World NetWare Newsletter, 12/12/01

McAfee touts antivirus pack for Netware 6.0
Network World, 01/07/02

Novell to improve metadirectory
Network World, 01/07/02

One-time net highfliers bumped from elite list
Network World, 01/07/02

Breaking Novell and NetWare news, updated daily:

Archive of the Novell NetWare newsletter:

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