Enron Mail

Subject:Directed Brokerage & Soft Dollar Practices
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:09:14 -0800 (PST)

=09 Hear Kathryn Hoenig, President of Hoenig & Co. analyze the strength=
s, opportunities and potential pitfalls of the international market! =09
Presenting IIR'S 9th Annual Forum on: =09 =09

Directed Brokerage & Soft Dollar Practices =09 =09
Navigate through today's compliance and regulatory issues to conduct your =
business more effectively in a volatile economy =09 =09

February 26-27, 2002 * Roosevelt Hotel * New York Reg=
ister Conference Agenda Download Brochure Conference Overvie=
w =09

Join the forement legal and consulting authorities as they help you sort t=
hrough today's regulatory guidelines and obtain the latest information as y=
ou: Learn the ins and outs of establishing a directed brokerage program =
Understand the impact ERISA and DOL have on transactions =09 Unrav=
el the complexities of AIMR, SEC and SIA soft dollar and directed brokerage=
guidelines Create strong and effective documentation Address the lates=
t issues in SEC rulemaking =09

=09 =09 =09
=09 Dear Vince, There are a number of issues to consider when establi=
shing a directed brokerage or soft dollars program. In an industry with so =
much gray area, IIRs 9th Annual Forum on Directed Brokerage and Soft Dollar=
Practices will provide a clear explanation of today's regulatory and compl=
iance issues. Specifically requested industry leaders such as Gerald Lins =
ichael Butowsky of ROSENMAN & COLIN LLP, will address soft dollar legal iss=
ues and broker obligations. You'll hear from SEC and AIMR representatives a=
s they address the latest issues in rulemaking and abiding by various guide=
lines. And plan sponsors will discuss what they've been up against in estab=
lishing a directed brokerage program and how they have dealt with the chall=
enges. Plus?Don't Miss the Post-Conference Workshop: Soft Dollar Practi=
cal Applications This workshop on practical applications takes a closer=
look at exactly how to implement the groundwork you learned throughout the=
conference. A number of hypothetical situations will be presented, discuss=
ing the most effective ways to solve the problems back at your firm. Bring =
questions and problems to work out! To register, Click here or call 888-6=
70-8200. Please mention priority code, U1686XXEM when registering. I Hope =
to see you in New York! Sincerely, Liz Wilson Vice President, IIR =09 =09
=09 =09 =09


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