Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Derivatives/Electric Power Seminars
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:13:49 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE]=09 =09 =09
=09 Energy Derivatives/Electric Power Seminars=09 =09
=09Houston: February; Philadelphia: March =09 =09
=09 Successful people take the time they need to increase their knowle=
dge. For information on PGS Energy Training's upcoming seminars in downto=
wn Houston (in February) and in downtown Philadelphia (March), call 412-279=
-9298 or visit http:/ /www.pgsenergy.com/schedule.html Available seminar=
s include:1) Fundamentals of Energy Futures, Options & Derivatives2) Funda=
mentals of the Electric Power Industry3) Gas-to-Electricity Arbitrage & How=
to Maximize the Profitability of Electric Generation Assets4) Developing E=
ffective Risk Management Policies & Procedures (John Wengler)5) Fundamental=
s of Statistical Analysis (Dr. Ken Skinner)6) How to Value Electric Genera=
tion Assets as Real Options 7) Fundamentals of Value-at-Risk (Soli Forouza=
n) Save money by bringing a group of 4 or more. With a group rate, your cos=
t for a $1,295 seminar is reduced to $895 per attendee-- a savings of $1,=
600 from regular prices. The group price for the $695 programs is $495. Pl=
ease forward this to anyone who might benefit from a better understanding =
of energy derivatives, risk management, gas-to-electricity arbitrage, stat=
istics or electric power trading. John Adamiak, PGS Energy Training john@p=
gsenergy.com http://www.pgsenergy.com/schedule.html =09 =09
=09call us :: 412-279-9298=09[IMAGE]=09
=09=09 This email was sent to vince.j.kaminski@enron.com, at your request,=
by PowerMarketers.com . Visit our Subscription Center to edit your int=
erests or unsubscribe . View our privacy policy . Powered by Constant C=
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