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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: VKaminski@aol.com@ENRON X-To: kamins@enron.com <v< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\Deleted Items X-Origin: Kaminski-V X-FileName: vkamins.pst Return-Path: <owner-FRENCH*vkaminski**AOL*-COM@MCLIST.ABOUT.COM< Received: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com [])= by air-yh05.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Fri, 01 Jun 2001 07:20:12= -0400 Received: from mclist.about.com (mclist.about.com []) by rly-= yh01.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Fri, 01 Jun 2001 07:19:51 -0400 Received: from mclist (listadmin.corp.about.com) by mclist.about.com (LSMTP= for Windows NT v1.1b) with SMTP id <2.001C19AD@mclist.about.com<; Fri, 1 J= un 2001 7:09:54 -0500 Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 07:00:41 -0500 From: Laura K Lawless - About Guide to French Language <french.guide@about.= com< To: vkaminski@AOL.COM Subject: A LA FRANCAISE -- Accent affectif ~ French with English Accent ~ = Street French -- From About MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=3D"-892222071-94= 0147120-978605369=3D:2749" Message-ID: <200106010719.RWNa19490@rly-yh01.mx.aol.com< X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version) =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 About French Language From Laura K Lawless, your Guide to French Language = http://french.about.com June 01, 2001 v III n 44 IN THIS ISSUE ~ ~ = ~ NOUVEAUT?S ~ ~ ~ Accent affectif ~ French Pronunciation ~ ~= ~ DISCUSSIONS INT?RESSANTES ~ ~ ~ Teaching French with an English = Accent?? Projets estivaux des profs Street French D= es autres or D'autres ~ ~ ~ ATELIER DE FRAN?AIS ~ ~ ~ All Abo= ut You (beginning) Abr?viations fran?aises (interm?diaire/avanc?) = ~ ~ ~ L'AURA DE LAURA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOUVEAUT?S ~ ~ ~ Accent = affectif ~ French Pronunciation In English, speakers emphasize words simp= ly by saying them louder, but this is not the case in French. French speak= ers use l'accent affectif to provide emphasis, usually to express an emoti= on. http://french.about.com/library/pronunciation/bl-accentaffectif.htm = MAGAZINE OFFER [IMAGE] ~ ~ ~ DISCUSSIONS INT?RESSANTES ~ ~ ~ Teachi= ng French with an English Accent?? My professor is American and he taught = with an English accent, therefore I speak French with an English accent. A= bout two days before my French orals, my dad gave me a drill in French. He = spoke using the French accent and because I'd never praticed with the Fren= ch accent I understood nothing. Not that I didn't hear it before but it wa= s like my dad was talking gibberish. My orals went just as badly. I would l= ike very much to hear your views on this. http://forums.about.com/ab-frenc= h/messages/?msg=3D1742.1&ctx=3D10 Projets estivaux des profs ? tous les = profs de fran?ais, je voudrais savoir si on a des projets sp?ciaux pendant = les vacances d'?t?. Qu'est-ce qu'on fait d'habitude pendant l'?t?? Est-ce = qu'on passe l'?t? en France? Qu'est-ce qu'on fait pour pr?parer en avance = pour l'ann?e scolaire qui vient? http://forums.about.com/ab-french4/message= s/?msg=3D116.1&ctx=3D10 Street French I was thinking about buying the ca= ssette tapes and the books from this series of French slang books called S= treet French. I mainly want to get it to improve my listening skills. Is it= worth it or should I take advantage of these links to French radio instea= d? http://forums.about.com/ab-french/messages/?msg=3D1755.1&ctx=3D10 Des = autres or D'autres Can anybody can tell me when to use "des autres" and "d= 'autres" because it is starting to confuse me. I asked my French teacher b= ut she seemed pretty unsure and I got even more confused. http://forums.abo= ut.com/ab-french3/messages/?msg=3D325.1&ctx=3D10 ~ ~ ~ ATELIER DE FRAN?A= IS ~ ~ ~ All About You (beginning) Respond to the following questions: 1.= Ton ?ge? Moi, 2. Ton sport pr?f?r?? Moi, 3. Ta nourriture pr?f?r?e? Moi,= 4. Ta couleur pr?f?r?e? Moi, 5. Ton animal pr?f?r?? Moi, http://forums.a= bout.com/ab-french3/messages/?msg=3D298.1&ctx=3D10 Abr?viations fran?aise= s (interm?diaire/avanc?) Tout le monde ici au Maroc a un t?l?phone cellula= ire et j'imagine qu'on s'?crit avec des abr?viations de texte en fran?ais.= La seule que je connais est SVP (s'il vous pla?t). Il doit y avoir plusieu= rs, n'est-ce pas ? En connaissez-vous quelques uns ? http://forums.about.c= om/ab-french2/messages/?msg=3D269.1&ctx=3D10 ~ ~ ~ L'AURA DE LAURA ~ ~ ~= Salut tout le monde ! Il fait chaud ici, et ce weekend nous allons vers l= e sud, pr?s du d?sert - oh l? l? !! That's it for today, but if you still= want more, visit my site - there are hundreds of other lessons and links = for your learning pleasure: http://french.about.com . A la prochaine ! ;~) = ISSN 1528-7939 SUBSCRIPTIONS You are currently subscribed as: vkaminsk= i@AOL.COM To remove your email address from this newsletter please visit: = http://about.com/nl/ug.htm?nl=3Dfrench&e=3Dvkaminski@AOL.COM To sign up = for newsletters like this one, go here: http://home.about.com/newsletters1.= htm Questions? The quickest and best answers are in our bilingual A la f= rancaise forum: you can ask for help, trade study tips, find inspiration, o= r just chat with fellow French lovers around the world: http://forums.about= .com/ab-french Laura K Lawless french.guide@about.com For Past issues of= the newsletter visit The Newsletter Archive About 1440 Broadway 19th Flo= or NY, NY 10018 The Human Internet http://About.com ? 2001 About.com, Inc.= =09 =09