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Please visit http://www.ogjonline.com for more information on each news story. ================================================= -----------------\Advertisement/----------------- Attend DistribuTECH 2002, Feb. 27 - March 1st in Miami Beach, Florida! DistribuTECH is the leading information technology and utility automation conference and exhibition. For details, visit http://www.distributech.com ------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL GAS GROUP ASKS US EIA FOR INTEGRATED GAS REPORTING Jan-07-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The American Public Gas Association Monday asked the US Energy Information Administration to integrate gas storage data with other natural gas statistics to prevent unwarranted price volatility. EIA plans to begin reporting natural gas storage data on a weekly instead of monthly basis beginning in May 2002. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131480 AMEREN CORP. BOOSTS 2001 EARNINGS ESTIMATE Jan-07-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gas and electric holding company Ameren Corp. Monday boosted its 2001 earnings forecast and said it reached agreement with Missouri regulators on a schedule for a rate case. Ameren, St. Louis, Mo., reported it expected to earn $3.40-$3.50/share this year, up from earlier projections of $3.30-$3.45/share. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131466 PUBLIC POWER GROUP SAYS FERC AFFILIATE RULE COULD HURT RETAIL CUSTOMER Jan-07-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposed federal rules requiring a single standard governing relations between gas and electric transmission suppliers and their energy affiliates could interfere with retail 'one-stop shopping,' the American Public Power Association said. FERC proposed uniform rules for natural gas pipelines and electric transmission suppliers and asked for industry comment last fall. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131436 EMERGENCY PEAKER PLANT PERMITTING PROJECT ENDS IN CALIFORNIA Jan-07-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With electricity prices falling and money tight, the last peaking power project pending under an emergency program to get electric generating capacity up and running quickly in California was withdrawn from consideration. Pegasus Power Project was a 180 Mw expansion of an existing plant at a prison in San Bernardino County. The application was withdrawn Jan. 3. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131414 FITCH DOWNGRADES TECO CITING ENRON TIES Jan-07-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credit rating agency Fitch IBCA Friday downgraded energy holding company Teco Energy Inc. and its Tampa Electric unit, citing TECO's increased leverage and the business risk associated with independent power projects. It also cited TECO's exposure to Nepco, an indirect subsidiary of Enron Corp. and the engineering and procurement contractor on several of TECO's merchant generation projects. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131331 -----------------\Advertisement/----------------- CLIENTS: Find a Consultant! ProSavvy's Consulting Procurement Service gives you FREE access to over 17,000 prequalified consultants. Visit http://pe-pennnet.prosavvy.com ------------------------------------------------- TEXAS PUC ADVISED TO DEVELOP RESERVE MARGIN REQUIREMENTS Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deregulation notwithstanding, Texas electricity generators should be required to maintain a minimum reserve margin, the staff of the Public Utility Commission of Texas said Friday. The PUC staff has been grappling with whether to create a mechanism that would ensure a minimum reserve margin or whether margins should be left to market forces. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131303 ELECTRICITY PRICES RANGE WIDELY IN RELIANT HL&P'S TEXAS TERRITORY Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Texas electric retailers have begun dangling incentives in front of consumers to convince them to switch providers. The market fully opened for retail competition Jan. 1. Terms in Reliant HL&P's Texas territory range from a $25 credit to deals that don't require contracts or impose termination fees. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131214 OMB WANTS EPA TO REVISIT NSR FOR POWER PLANTS AND REFINERIES Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The White House Office of Management and Budget wants to review and possibly rescind rules that govern how power plants and refiners monitor stationary source pollution. Congress required OMB to issue a report on the costs and benefits of federal regulations. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131207 ELECTRIC POWER NEWS BRIEFS, JAN. 4 Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Williams Cos. Inc. ... Sierra Pacific Power Co. ... UtiliCorp United Inc. ... Dominion Resources Inc. ... United Illuminating Co. ... Equitable Resources Inc. ... Calpine Corp. ... Cross-Sound Cable Co. ... TransEnergie US Ltd. ... West Texas Gas Inc. ... Southern Union Co. ... Midlands Electricity PLC ... FirstEnergy Corp. ... Idaho Power Co. ... Astaris LLC http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131201 PPL SLASHES EARNINGS FORECAST AND CANCELS POWER PROJECTS Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allentown, Pa.-based PPL Corp. Friday cut its earnings forecast for 2001 and 2002 and warned earnings could even be worse than estimated because of a write-down on an investment in a UK utility. PPL also said it will cancel about 2,100 Mw of planned development valued at $1.3 billion. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131191 PRODUCERS, PIPELINES IN DISPUTE OVER PIPELINE QUALITY GAS SPECS Jan-04-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Natural gas pipeline operators turned up the heat in a dispute with producers over specifications for pipeline quality gas. The Natural Gas Supply Association asked FERC to look into whether pipelines are using gas quality specifications to restrict gas shipments. The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America responded the charge 'hardly bears discussion.' http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131160 LIPA STAFF RECOMMENDS 4,000 MW PURCHASE FROM KEYSPAN Jan-03-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Long Island Power Authority staff recommended LIPA exercise an option to buy 4,000 Mw of generating capacity from Keyspan Corp. The LIPA board is expected to conduct public hearings in January on whether to buy the KeySpan generation and make a decision in February. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131137 SENATE COMMITTEE EXPANDS INQUIRY INTO ENRON'S QUICK DEMISE Jan-03-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Senate Democratic leaders Wednesday said they would subpoena documents from the directors and top executives of Enron Corp. in an investigation of why the company collapsed so quickly. Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, (D-Conn.) said his committee will hold hearings Jan.24. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131127 SHELL TOP BIDDER ON LNG CAPACITY AT EL PASO'S ELBA ISLAND FACILITY Jan-03-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shell Gas & Power, a unit of Royal Dutch/Shell Group, acquired rights to all the additional storage capacity El Paso Corp. is planning at the Elba Island liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal near Savannah, Ga. Shell offered the top bid in an auction among four bidders for 3.3 bcf of new storage capacity at the terminal. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131122 INDEX SHOWS MANUFACTURING DECLINE SLOWING BOOSTING GAS, POWER HOPES Jan-03-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Institute of Supply Management, formerly the National Association of Purchasing Management, said the manufacturing sector may turn around faster than previously anticipated, giving hope that demand for natural gas and electricity will improve later this year. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131078 FERC SETS MAR. 15 DEADLINE FOR ELECTRICITY RULES ORGANIZATION Jan-03-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ US federal regulators have given electricity suppliers and consumers a Mar. 15 deadline to decide who will determine the rules for reliability and business practices. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said it's ready to designate an organization or develop the standards itself. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131077 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC SEEKING INJUNCTION AGAINST STATE Jan-02-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pacific Gas & Electric Co. asked a US bankruptcy court to bar a consumer advocate unit of the California Public Utilities Commission from efforts to obtain correspondence with its parent PG&E Corp. concerning the utility's bankruptcy filing. The PUC has opposed the company's reorganization plan, claiming Pacific Gas & Electric is trying to escape state regulation. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131057 TEXAS CALLERS EAGER FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ELECTRIC COMPETITION PROGRAM Jan-02-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the first full day of the newly competitive electricity market in Texas, some power retailers said they were swamped with calls from prospective customers. Some customers learned it could take up to a week to get service installed when they move. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=131004 EDISON SAYS MIRANT CANCELING PURCHASE OF PUERTO RICO'S ECOELECTRICA Jan-02-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A unit of Edison International, the troubled California utility holding company, said energy marketer Mirant Corp. was canceling acquisition of 50% of EcoElectrica, a power project in Puerto Rico. Edison Mission Energy said it didn't agree Mirant has the right to terminate the deal and is reviewing its alternatives. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=130984 NEW YORK REGULATOR URGES MORE REDUNDANCY AFTER SEPT. 11 'WATERSHED' Jan-02-2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Permanent repair of New York City electric and natural gas services disrupted by terrorist attacks could take months, according to the chairman of the New York Public Service Commission. Maureen Helmer said Sept. 11 represented a watershed date in the way regulators and the utility industry view security. http://ogj.pennnet.com/articles/web_article_display.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=130940 -----------------\Advertisement/----------------- The 5th Pipeline Rehabilitation and Maintenance Conference: A global forum examining the fitness for purpose of oil and transmission lines. Jan. 19-23, 2002, Bahrain. Web site: http://www.pipeline-rehab.com ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to Power & Gas Weekly visit http://www.clientize.com/pennenergy. Other newsletters available from PennEnergy: OGJ ONLINE THIS WEEK - A summary of the latest upstream, downstream and government/regulatory news on OGJ Online. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALERT - A summary of energy equipment available for immediate sale on OGJ Equipment Exchange. EQUIPMENT WANTED ALERT - A summary of energy items OGJ Equipment Exchange clients want to purchase. For information on advertising in Power & Gas Weekly e-mail Janet Hall at janeth@pennenergy.com. Copyright 2002 PennEnergy Inc / Oil & Gas Journal All Rights Reserved =================================================