Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Virus Alert: "My Party"
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 08:30:05 -0800 (PST)

TO: JGS Faculty

<X-From_: owner-alldepts@listserv.rice.edu Mon Jan 28 09:49 CST 2002
<X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
<Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:46:54 -0600
<Reply-To: Rick Russell <rickr@rice.edu<
<Sender: ALLDEPTS -- Rice University Departments
< <ALLDEPTS@listserv.rice.edu<
<From: Rick Russell <rickr@is.rice.edu<
<Organization: Rice University Information Technology
<Subject: Virus Alert: "My Party"
<To: ALLDEPTS@listserv.rice.edu
<Hi all,
<Please be on the lookout for a new virus dubbed "My Party". It's a very
<typical mass-mailing virus that sends itself to all of your Outlook/Outlook
<Express address book contacts as soon as you open the attachment. Obviously,
<you should not open the attachment. Simply delete the e-mails. Details:
<The My Party Worm
<Virus Name: My Party
< W32/MyParty@mm, I-Worm.Myparty
<Systems affected: PC systems with Windows only;
< Mac and UNIX are not affected
<Method of propagation: The attachment is a program which sends itself
< to addresses in your Outlook/Outlook Express
< address book.
<Risk to Rice Campus: Minor. Virus does not destroy data, it just propagates.
<Look for messages with header fields similar to the following:
< Subject: new photos from my party!
< Attachment: www.myparty.yahoo.com
<and body text:
< Hello!
< My party... It was absolutely amazing!
< I have attached my web page with new photos!
< If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks!
<More information:
<** Rick Russell ** rickr@rice.edu ** x5267 ** Mudd 106D **
<** IT Problem Dispatcher: Engineering, Sciences, Business Serv. **

Suzana G. Vazquez
Staff Assistant
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School
of Management
(713) 348-3736