Enron Mail

Subject:Henwood Singapore Reference Case
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:32:59 -0800 (PST)

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http://www.henwoodenergy.com/html/email/singapore0201/singapore0201.html =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] In June 2002, The Singapore Government wi=
ll commence the sale of their three power stations with a combined capacit=
y of over 8,000 MW. Although the electricity system is relatively small, t=
rading is active and pool prices are volatile. Henwood has conducted nu=
merous Singapore studies for clients, and is recognized as the leading pro=
vider of market studies for Singapore and Asia. Henwood's newest comprehen=
sive reference case for Singapore outlines the economic, regulatory and ex=
pected pool environments, including a ten year pool price forecast and reg=
ular updates to the analysis. If you are thinking of investing in Singap=
ore, Henwood's Singapore reference case will provide an invaluable asset f=
or potential investors and lenders for the Singapore generation companies.=
Henwood staff are also available to develop further studies for subscrib=
ers. To order your copy, please contact Mark Foster . For additional in=
formation, please click here . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Henwood Energy Servic=
es, Inc. 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 300 North Sacramento, CA 95833 916=
/569-0985 www.henwoodenergy.com If you would like to be removed from our=
mailing list, please reply with REMOVE in the subject line. =09


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