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PRODUCT REVIEWS 01/24/02 Today's focus: IP videoconferencing services, Part 2 Dear Wincenty Kaminski, In this issue: * WireOne's Glowpoint is best for guaranteed QoS-based videoconferencing * Links related to Network World product reviews * Featured reader resource ____________________________________________________________ TECHNOLOGY INSIDER: STREAMING MEDIA Streaming media is taking off as a corporate communications and training tool. We take you behind the scenes of the technology, showing you best practices, case studies and a feature on the individual streaming media champions leading the charge. Check it out at http://nww1.com/go/ad237.html ____________________________________________________________ Today's focus: IP videoconferencing services, Part 2 By Neal Weinberg Last time, we looked at four Internet-based IP videoconferencing services. This time, we'll finish up by looking at two entrants that offer guaranteed quality of service: InView IP and WireOne Technology's Glowpoint. Results varied with the ordering and provisioning of our circuits between WireOne and InView. After each local exchange provider brought in a line, WireOne promptly shipped a preconfigured Netopia router (Model R5300) to each office with a small page that included all of the IP addresses, subnet masks and gateway addresses. We installed the router and set up the videoconferencing endpoints and PCs in minutes. For InView, we had to complete an IP address justification form, and once the circuit was ready, we needed a separate phone line for the carrier's access to a 33.6K bit/sec modem. Using the modem, remote technicians configured a DSU/CSU once the components were delivered on site. After the IP addresses were assigned, it took nearly two days at one location to troubleshoot the deployment before it correctly mapped in the wide-area service provider's network. A disappointment with WireOne's Glowpoint service was the lack of support for data collaboration. Because of strict filtering of all traffic on the service, users cannot establish T.120 sessions in parallel with the H.323 session. On the InView service, there were no traffic restrictions, permitting establishment of a parallel NetMeeting or Web conferencing session. For the guaranteed network services, a gateway can be introduced when a participant is using ISDN. (H.320-based devices use ISDN; H.323 is the IP-based videoconferencing standard.) We liked that WireOne offered a clear gateway dialing manual. We could initiate calls from the IP network through the gateway at the data rate of our choice (using a dialing prefix) to ISDN videoconferencing systems in our respective locations. In the end, we decided that we liked WireOne's Glowpoint the best. Other companies will find it difficult to match the reliability, efficiency and feature set that WireOne has developed. For the full report, go to: http://www.nwfusion.com/reviews/2002/0121rev.html _______________________________________________________________ To contact Neal Weinberg: Neal Weinberg is features editor at Network World, in charge of product reviews, Buyer's Guides, technology primers, how-tos, issue-oriented feature stories and the Technology Insider series. You can reach him at mailto:nweinber@nww.com. _______________________________________________________________ NW Fusion's Buy IT provides the resources you need to make better buying decisions. Post your IT needs anonymously and FREE! Search our directory of qualified providers, review company White Papers, and select the right provider. Buy IT helps get your projects done right. Try it today! http://nwfusion.newmediary.com/nww120601nwltrb _______________________________________________________________ RELATED LINKS Cisco upgrades videoconferencing gear Network World, 02/12/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0212infra.html PictureTel slims down videoconferencing unit Network World, 04/16/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0416infra.html The archive for Reviews is: http://www.nwfusion.com/reviews/index.html ______________________________________________________________ FEATURED READER RESOURCE Network World Fusion's Net.Worker site Whether your company is growing larger or scaling back, corporate managers are looking for ways to cut costs while retaining and recruiting star employees. One smart solution - at least on paper - is to let some employees work from home. Network World's Net.Worker Web site bridges the gap between the telework concept and the hardware, software and services needed to make it happen. We bring you news and reviews, sound advice and keen insight into the technologies and solutions you need to manage a remote and mobile workforce. Visit http://www.nwfusion.com/net.worker/index.html _______________________________________________________________ May We Send You a Free Print Subscription? You've got the technology snapshot of your choice delivered at your fingertips each day. Now, extend your knowledge by receiving 51 FREE issues to our print publication. Apply today at http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/nl ______________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES To subscribe or unsubscribe to any Network World e-mail newsletters, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/notprinteditnews.asp To unsubscribe from promotional e-mail go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/ep To change your e-mail address, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/changeemail.asp Subscription questions? Contact Customer Service by replying to this message. 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