Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 29 Dec 2005 02:14:21 -0800 (PST)

How Would you like to look and feel 10-20 years younger ?
Would you be interested in increasing energy levels by 84% ? s_25
How about Increasing Sexual Potency Frequency by 75% ?
Would you like to increase your Muscle Strength by 88%
While...At the same time...
Reducing Body Fat by 72% and Wrinkles by 51%?
Of course you would! We offer the Most Potent Oral GH Formula available to help you achieve all of this and more! Turn Back The Clock and Turn Up the Energy Now!
In thousands of clinical studies, GH has been shown to accomplish the following:
_ Reduce body fat and build lean muscle without exercise!
_ Enhance sexual performance
_ Remove wrinkles and cellulite
_ Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile
_ Improve sleep, vision and memory
_ Restore hair color and growth
_ Strengthen the immune system
_ Increase energy and cardiac output
_ Turn back your body's biological time clock 10-20 years in 6 months of usage !!!
Here is a sample of just a few of the letters we receive every week
thanking us for what our product has done:
"I am astounded! The day before I started taking the GH1,
I took blood tests. Then I began using the GH1 as directed.
After 8 weeks I took blood tests again.
My IGF-1 level (evidence of GH) showed a 70% increase!
Furthermore, my cholesterol score went from 190 down to 144!
I definitely feel better overall and certainly have more energy.
To say the least I am very impressed and pleased with GH1.
My "biological" age is now that of a 40 year old!"
-Dr. A. Zuckerman M.D., age 60, NY
"A year ago, my blood pressure was 180/120 and I was on blood
pressure medication. I also started the Anti-Aging formula, GH1.
After a year on the product, my blood pressure is now 120/80--
and I haven't been on the blood pressure medication for months!"
-Susanne Peters, Laguna Beach, CA
"After 2 weeks on Anti-Aging Formula GH1, I noticed a higher
level of energy, increased sexual energy and my memory and vision
were enhanced. My blood pressure is down to 126/84 after workout-and
it seems every other day I have to 'rev-up' the amps on the treadmill
at the gym. I've noticed a tightening of the skin under my chin and
a change in my lungs with much easier breathing. After 4 months,
I only need 5 hours sleep instead of 7. One morning, I had to do an extra
karate workout just to expend all the extra energy!" "After 6 months on
GH1, my blood sugar levels went from 130 down to 65! Also, my stamina has
increased, as well as my energy and sex drive--this product is GREAT!"
-Dr. Richard Boyd, 78 years old, Harvard Clinical Psychologist, CA
"As a straight-ahead bicycle racer, I used to have to wait a minute
and a half after sprinting, for my heart rate to come down to where
I could sprint again. After a month on GH1, I can now sprint again
after only 45 seconds! GH1 cut my waiting time in half!"
-Ed Caz, age 40, Fresno,CA
"When I heard GH1 would reduce body fat increase lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE, I couldn't believe it--but in just a few months I lost 4 inches around my waist without exercising and my body fat went from 22 down to 19--even though I gained 10 pounds! Also, after 4 months, my fine vision returned. I no longer need the magnifying glasses to read fine print."
-Larry Baker, age 54,Oceanside, CA
"I have been taking Anti-Aging Formula GH1 for five months now.
I have been under great stress in my business.
I believe that taking Anti-Aging Formula GH1 has had a big part in keeping
my energy level up and having the strength to stay positive in the midst
of discouraging circumstances. Last week I came down with a cold.
Colds are tough on me and seem to run their course- headaches, sinus inflammation, and then throat. I am progressing through those stages but more quickly than before. Hallelujah! My eyes aren't as puffy and the skin on my hands snaps back faster.
My muscles seem to have better tone-I notice it in my legs-and I have more energy
when I go out walking."
- Carolyn Munn
"I was taking injections of GH for over one year. A friend suggested that
I try Anti-Aging Formula GH1, since I was spending 1,000 US dollars a month and needed
a doctor to inject it daily. In 2-3 weeks I felt better from the Anti-Aging
Formula GH1 than the whole time I was getting the injections.
Thank you Anti-Aging Formula for greatly helping to improve my life!"
-Rita Mills McCoy
"I have had elevated cholesterol levels since the first time I was tested,
in my twenties. I was on Anti-Aging Formula GHI for only 1 month when my levels
dropped from 245 to 210. I could hardly believe it! After 3 months on Anti-Aging
Formula GH1 my gray hair began to darken at the roots, returning to its normal
coloring. I have even been able to reduce my thyroid medication. All of this
without having to change anything else about my lifestyle, other than taking
few sprays of Anti-Aging Formula GH1 a day. Wow!
-Alan Ross, 43 years old
GH1 is the highest concentration of orally administered GH1
available on the market today. Injections of GH taken in international units are usually prescribed to be taken as a shot, two times per day. The individual would be taking between 2 and 4 units per day. GH1 has over 2000ng per dosage and was created to imitate the body's natural secretion of GH.
Growth hormone is a naturally occurring substance in the human body which
is secreted by the pituitary, the master gland of the body, located in the
endocrine system. GH is a microscopic protein substance that is chemically
similar to insulin, which is secreted in short pulses during the first few
hours of sleep and after exercise. GH is one of the most abundant hormones
secreted, influencing growth of cells, bones, muscles and organs throughout
the body. Production of GH peaks at adolescence.
Every three years approximately 90% of the cells in the human body are newly made.
The body is composed of more than 100 trillion cells that are continuously
dying and regenerating. The brain and the nervous system retain their original
cells; however, in the brain new proteins are continuously being produced to
store memories of every new experience. Overall intelligence and the ability
to learn and memorize all depend on adequate growth hormone.
Growth hormone replacement therapy is now available to reverse age-related symptoms, including wrinkling of the skin, increased body fat, decreased muscle mass, increased cholesterol, decreased stamina and energy, decreased mental function and loss of libido.
When growth hormone falls below normal levels, supplementation offers the
all-natural potential for great benefit. Growth hormone is an amazing substance
which is safe and effective with no known side effects, if taken in the
proper dosage amounts.
GH is one of many endocrine hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone,
melatonin and DHEA, that all decline in production as we age. Hormones are tiny
chemical messengers continuously secreted in the bloodstream in order to regulate
the activities of the vital organs. The word "hormone" is derived from a Greek word
meaning to stimulate. Many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the
effects of aging; however, GH reaches far beyond the scope of these other
hormones. Not only does it prevent biological aging, but it acts to greatly
reverse a broad range of signs and symptoms associated with aging, including
making the skin more elastic and causing wrinkles to disappear. GH also
helps restore hair color and hair loss.

Our bodies naturally produce GH in abundance when we are young, and its production
gradually slows over time. The amount of GH after the age of 21 falls about 14% per
decade, so that its production is reduced in half by age 60. While GH is not new,
its availability as a supplement has been limited. Specialized clinics and physicians
have been using GH for over 30 years on thousands of patients with consistent results.
Unfortunately, due to the high costs previously associated with GH, only the medical
profession and the wealthy have been privy to its benefits. Another problem has been
that the large GH molecule, composed of 191 amino acids (protein), had been only
effective administered through injections. However, a new technology developed by
Anti-Aging Inc., now makes GH an effective, affordable and convenient alternative.

GH production falls by 80% from age 21 to 61
Growth hormone declines with age in every animal species that has been tested to date.
The amount of decline in humans falls approximately 14% per decade.
This results in the growth hormone production rate being reduced in half by the age
of 60. Humans produce on a daily basis 500 micrograms per year at age 20,
200 micrograms at age 40 and 25 micrograms at 80 years of age. Between the ages
of 70 and 80, nearly everyone is deficient in growth hormone which results in SDS,
or Somatotrophin Deficiency Syndrome. These symptoms are part of the disease called
aging which the medical community has determined is not a normal occurrence.
Healing ability and energy levels decrease, as does physical mobility.
Those who want to maintain their youthful vitality and stamina should include
an effective growth hormone therapy as part of their health regimen.
After numerous clinical studies, the following was determined
after 6 or more months of GH therapy:
_ Improved memory
_ Regenerating of the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and other organs
_ Increased sexual drive and performance
_ Increased fertility
_ Enhanced immune system
_ Quicker wound and fracture healing
_ New hair growth and color reparation
_ Sharper vision
_ Improved exercise performance and tolerance
_ Increased muscle mass without exercise
_ Reduction of cellulite and fat
_ Increased stamina and vitality
_ Reduction in high blood pressure
_ Improvement in sleep
_ Anti-aging
_ Wrinkle reduction and smoothing
_ Decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol
_ Increase in HDL (good) cholesterol
_ Strengthening of bones

GH has been successfully used in the medical community
for over thirty years and has been studies for over 60 years.
Edmond Klein, M.D. and L. Cas Terry Ph.D., tested over
800 individuals and reported in their 1995 study that
GH had substantial benefits and no side effects.
You're going to receive Anti-Aging Formula for under $150.00...
Not even $50.00... You are going to receive the entire
life-changing Anti-Aging Formula for only $28.95.
This is NOT a misprint.
But you had better act fast because supplies are limited.
PS I almost forgot.
"Anti-Aging Formula" comes with a ONE MONTH FULL REFUND GUARANTEE!
So your one-time fee is refundable making your decision risk free!
*** Our normal price for Anti-Aging Formula is 28.95 dollars.
For a limited time only, you can purchase a 3 MONTH SUPPLY for only $48.95!
That is a savings of $37.90 off our regular price.
We will also continue to offer you the Anti-Aging Formula at this low price as long as you purchase from us in the future. To take advantage of this savings you must order within the next 10 days.
SEND Only $28.95(Each bottle is a months supply.)
For Shipping OUTSIDE the US please add $11.00
3 MONTHS SUPPLY for only $48.95!
For Shipping OUTSIDE the US please add $11.00.
Shipping is included!

To place your order merely fill out the following form and fax to 1-775-243-5854.
If this line is busy, please try faxing to 1-775-252-6734.
Internet Information Services
PO Box 1541
Billings, MT 59103-0084
Please allow 7 days for delivery.
Card Order Form
Name on Card:
Your email address:
Please circle one
Please send me a ONE month supply for $28.95
For Shipping OUTSIDE the US please add $11.00
Please send me a THREE month supply for $48.95
For Shipping OUTSIDE the US please add $11.00
This is a savings of $37.90 off our regular price.
Card Number:
Sorry, we do not accept discover.
Date Card Expires:
If you do not receive your order within 10 days, please send us a fax letting us know of the late
arrival. We will then contact you to figure out why you have not received your order.
Please tell us your phone Number:
Please tell us your fax Number:
To order by Check or Money Order:
Internet Information Services
E-mail Address:
If you do not receive your order within 10 days, please send us a fax letting us know of the late
arrival. We will then contact you to figure out why you have not received your order.
Please tell us your phone Number:
Please tell us your fax Number:
Thank you for your business,
Internet Information Services
PO Box 1541
Billings, MT 59103-0084
Fax to 1-775-243-5854. If this line is busy, please try faxing to 1-775-252-6734.
Copyright © 1997-2000
All Rights Reserved
Anti-Aging Formula comes with a ONE MONTH FULL REFUND GUARANTEE!
So your one-time fee is refundable making your decision easy!
The above results are based on individual experiences and may or may not be the same as you will realize using this product.
un i sy s production
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