Enron Mail

Subject:Merchant Power Monthly Free Sample
Date:Mon, 17 Dec 2001 21:33:02 -0800 (PST)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Merchant Power Monthly .......................=
. Download Free Sample Issue ..... [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dick Cheney says=
we need a new powerplant every week. In just this month's issue, we have=
over 9,000 MW of new plants documented! - - Plus, the records on who o=
wns each plant, their corporate structure, ownership changes and even forei=
gn plants. Gleaned from FERC filings, we also provide you the docket numbe=
r for each plant, so you can follow up and pull full documentation on any w=
hich are of interest-- free! We also provide you with feature stories on p=
lants in progress from around the nation. SPECIAL OFFER: Order Merchant=
Power Monthly for only $196/year ($295/year if you require hardcopy) and r=
eceive FREE all of the back-issues of this millenium (in pdf format). Eve=
ry Exempt Wholesale Generator, Qualifying Facility, Power Marketer Filing, =
since January 2000, and start your subscription in January 2002, for only $=
196!!! Save even more with a corporate pdf site license. Only $1,000 for=
distribution to your entire company! Keep it on your server for access as=
required, rebroadcast it yourself, or give us the list of recipients and l=
et us take care of delivery for you-- your choice! FOR THIS SPECIAL OFFER=
, YOU MUST ORDER BEFORE DECEMBER 30! For a sample issue, download: http:/=
/www.pmaconference.com/0112MPM.pdf email: info@pmaconference.com voice:=
201 784 5389 [IMAGE] This email was sent to vince.j.kamin=
ski@enron.com, at your request, by PowerMarketers.com . Visit our Subscr=
iption Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . View our privacy po=
licy . Powered by Constant Contact =09