Enron Mail

Subject:Natural Gas Futures Dip After AGA Report
Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 22:18:46 -0800 (PST)

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Enerfax Daily
Thursday, January 24 2002 No. 919
Visit: http://www.enerfax.com to view our web version or for Oil Prices &
News http://www.enerfaxgold.com

Gulf/Eastern Region
| Agua Dulce | 1.98 |
| ANR SE | 2.01 |
| Carthage TG | 2.06 |
| Chicago Citygate | 2.11 |
| Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.07 |
| Dominion South Point | 2.19 |
| Henry Hub | 2.11 |
| Houston Ship Channel | 2.12 |
| Katy Hub | 2.07 |
| NGPL LA Pool | 2.01 |
| NGPL - Midcontinent | 1.99 |
| NGPL STX | 2.02 |
| NGPL TX/OK | 2.02 |
| NNG Demarc. | 2.05 |
| Niagara | 2.22 |
| Sonat Tier 1 | 2.05 |
| TCO IPP Pool | 2.18 |
| Tetco ELa | 2.06 |
| Tetco M-3 | 2.34 |
| Tetco STX | 1.97 |
| TGP Zone 0 | 1.99 |
| TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.03 |
| TGT Zone SL | 2.08 |
| New York Citygate | 2.38 |
| Transco Station 65 | 2.12 |
| Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.38 |
| Trunk ELa | 2.03 |
| Western Region
| California Border | 2.15 |
| El Paso Keystone | 2.01 |
| El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.02 |
| Waha Hub | 2.03 |
| Canadian/Rockies Region
| Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 2.93 |
| Dawn Hub/Union | 2.17 |
| Northwest Stanfield | 2.09 |
| Wyoming Pool | 1.94 |
| Opal | 1.94 |
| PGT-Malin | 2.16 |
| Sumas | 2.06 |
Flow Date 1/24

Henry Hub
12 Month Strip 2.4599 -0.0029
18 Month Strip 2.6077 +0.0054
| Month | High | Low | Close | Change |
| FEB | 2.090 | 2.076 | 2.076 | -0.030 |
| MAR | 2.100 | 2.091 | 2.089 | -0.029 |
| APR | 2.180 | 2.170 | 2.162 | -0.016 |
| MAY | 2.275 | 2.272 | 2.260 | -0.010 |
| JUN | 2.340 | 2.340 | 2.332 | -0.006 |
| JUL | 2.420 | 2.420 | 2.410 | -0.003 |
| AUG | 2.480 | 2.450 | 2.463 | +0.002 |
| SEP | 2.490 | 2.465 | 2.475 | +0.002 |
| OCT | 2.530 | 2.530 | 2.507 | +0.004 |
| NOV | 2.740 | 2.739 | 2.742 | +0.014 |
| DEC | 2.950 | 2.940 | 2.954 | +0.016 |
| JAN | 3.055 | 3.025 | 3.049 | +0.021 |

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Natural Gas Futures Dip After AGA Report

Natural gas futures for February delivery on the NYMEX ended down
$0.03 to $2.076 per MMBtu yesterday. The March contract lost $0.029 to
$2.089 per MMBtu. The market opened lower yesterday and then hovered
around $2.10 until the AGA reported that 124 Bcf was withdrawn from
storage last week. There is now 2.4 Tcf left in storage, 73% of capacity.
A year ago there was less than 1.4 Tcf and storage was only 42% full. The
number was slightly below some expectations of a 130 Bcf-150 Bcf pull, and
it was enough for the market to sense $2.00/MMBtu support. Look for the
market to bounce around above $2.00 some and eventually head lower.
Initially the market may to push back toward $2.14 on the strength of
failing to breach $2.00 level after the AGA report, and a record high of
funds being short, but with no reason to cover short positions with no
weather in the offing. So look for low volatility over the short term.
Working gas is on track to end winter at 1.44 Tcf compared to a 5-year
average of 980 Bcf. Look for cash to take the initiative in leading the
futures market downward, with physical prices trading at a premium to
NYMEX since December. With mild weather forecast and a Tcf in storage
above a year ago, spot prices could start trading at a discount to
futures. Turn-back volumes should weaken pricing. Natural gas for next day
delivery across the US and Canada was generally $0.05 - $0.15 lower
yesterday. Natural gas for next day delivery at the Henry hub lost $0.07
to $2.11 per MMBtu.
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Today's Power Bulletins
* Federal Reserve Sees US Growth Topping 2.2% This Year
* Measures Approved by California PUC Will Permit Southern California
Edison to
Secure Financing Needed to Pay All Creditors by End of 1st Quarter
* Senate Republicans Want Mid-Feb Energy Bill Vote
* France Calls US Uranium Ruling Discriminatory
* Electric Power Supply Association Considering How Best to Fill Lobbying
Gap Left by Enron Bankruptcy
* Western Spot Electricity Prices Mixed on Weather Related Demand
* Northeast Spot Power Prices Continue Demand Related Slump
* Mid-Continent Spot Power Prices Slip on Mild Weather and Sparse Trading
* Southeast Spot Power Prices Decline as Mild Weather Dominates
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Former Andersen Partner to Claim 5th Amendment

David Duncan, the former Andersen partner who led the auditor's work
at Enron has advised lawmakers he will not testify at a hearing on today
unless his testimony is protected from use in court against him. He was
subpoenaed by the House Energy and Commerce investigations subcommittee to
testify on Enron's rapid collapse amid questionable bookkeeping.
Explaining that he had just gotten access to documents from his own files
at Andersen, Duncan says he will invoke the 5th Amendment right not to
testify. However, he will testify today if the committee grants him
immunity, which is not likely. Duncan claims to want full disclosure of
the truth and remains committed to cooperating with all pending
investigations concerning Enron, but says he needs immunity first. He was
fired earlier this month by Andersen, which alleges he ordered the
destruction of documents once he learned of a request by the SEC for
information on Enron's financial reporting.

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Natural Gas NYMEX Volume
02FEB 41,501
02MAR 23,833
02APR 10,194
02MAY 4,288
02JUN 3,319
02JLY 2,645
02AUG 1,560
02SEP 1,087
02OCT 3,345
02NOV 762
02DEC 623
03JAN 3,218
03FEB 485
03MAR 1,097
03APR 226
03MAY 379
03JUN 330
03JLY 107
03AUG 138
03SEP 206
03OCT 31
03NOV 52
03DEC 454
04JAN 7
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Senate Committee Seeks Release of Enron Tax Returns

The Senate Finance Committee has requested that Enron provide it with
written authorization to release to the public information contained in
its federal consolidated tax returns, and any tax information related to
Enron's affiliated companies or partnerships that is not included in the
consolidated tax returns since its inception in 1985. The committee, which
is probing Enron's compliance with federal tax laws, also plans to review
the use of corporate tax shelters and perhaps examine appropriate
legislative action. Enron allegedly used 880 subsidiaries in tax haven
countries such as the Cayman Islands and Mauritius to avoid paying income
taxes in 4 of the 5 years leading up to 2000, the most recent year for
which records are available. Enron received about $400 million in tax
refunds during that period. Enron has said it paid $60 million under the
corporate alternative minimum tax for 2001. The committee has the legal
authority to review Enron's consolidated tax returns as well as those of
its affiliated companies and partnerships, and said it will exercise that
authority. However, it is not legally authorized to release the
information to the public without Enron's permission.
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| | High | Low | Average |
| | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh |
| Cinergy | 18.00 | 15.50 | 17.15 |
| ECAR | 20.00 | 15.50 | 18.30 |
| ERCOT | 20.50 | 19.50 | 20.00 |
| Entergy | 18.50 | 17.50 | 17.75 |
| TVA | 21.70 | 20.15 | 20.70 |
| ComEd | 18.25 | 16.75 | 17.70 |
| Nepool | 28.25 | 27.25 | 27.75 |
| PJM West | 22.50 | 21.75 | 21.80 |
| Main | 18.25 | 15.00 | 17.35 |
| MAPP | 21.00 | 19.00 | 19.85 |
| Palo Verde | 22.90 | 19.50 | 22.00 |
| Mid C | 19.00 | 18.50 | 18.85 |
| COB | 21.50 | 20.75 | 21.15 |
| 4 Corners | 21.75 | 21.50 | 21.65 |
| Mead | 22.50 | 22.35 | 22.40 |
| NP 15 | 24.00 | 22.50 | 23.20 |
| SP 15 | 24.40 | 22.50 | 23.30 |
Power Delivered 1/24
Hydro-Quebec Exports Leads to Record Profit

Hydro-Quebec is North America's largest power utility. Its 2001 net
profit reached a record C$1.1 billion, thanks to high electricity exports
to the US and despite warmer than usual weather. The profit forecast for
2001 had been C$1.03 billion and the net income for 2000 was C$1.08
billion. Hydro-Quebec is in excellent financial position, but has
confirmed that it will ask for an increase domestic power rates as of May
2004 to bring its rate of return in line with other North American
utilities. If accepted by the Quebec Energy Board, the rise will be its
1st in 5 years. The overall rate increase will be C$354 million over 3
years. Hydro-Quebec has also forecast average annual demand will increase
by 1.2% through to 2016. Growth in the past 15 years has been around 2.6%.
The utility also plans to launch the 1st of a series of tender invitations
to private power producers this year to make sure there will be no
shortfall. It is expected to report today the level of its water
reservoirs, a source of major concern.
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra
Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage
Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity
begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information,
visit http://www.desert-crossing.com
Todays Gas Bulletins
* Enron Chairman and CEO Ken Lay Resigns, But Will Remain on Board of
Directors; Now Seeking Restructuring Specialist to Steer Company Out of
* VP Cheney Again Refuses to Give Energy Policy Details Despite Increased
Pressure from Congress
* Wal-Mart About to Overtake Exxon to Become World's Largest Company
* Senate and House Begin Enron Hearings Today; Senate Governmental
Affairs Committee to Focus on If Federal Agencies Should Have Foreseen
Debacle; House Energy and Commerce Committee Looks into Destruction of
Documents by Andersen
* Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Andersen Accusing It of Racketeering
Violations Under RICO Act
* Texas Senator Phil Gramm and Wife Claim $600,000 Loss in Enron Collapse
* Burlington Resources Posts Sharp 4th Quarter Loss After Charges

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Dynegy 4th Quarter Profit Up 36%

Dynegy's 4th quarter earnings climbed 36% as profit from operations
rose to $144 million, or $0.41 per share, from $106 million, or $0.32, a
year ago. Revenue slid 13% to $8.74 billion. Dynegy's earnings met the
average estimate of analysts. Profit at the company's energy trading unit
jumped 58% last quarter from a year ago, due to a sharp increase in
business after Enron collapsed. Natural gas sales in North America gained
14%. In the 4th-quarter, Dynegy wrote off $51 million, or $0.14 per share,
for trading exposure to Enron. It also took charges of $7 million, or
$0.02, to terminate its bid for Enron and $9 million, or $0.03, for
severance costs at its Illinois electric utility. The company ended up
with a net income of $77 million, or $0.21 per share. Dynegy had thought
that Enron-related costs might climb to $125 million. It will pay a $65
million dividend over two years to ChevronTexaco for the $1.5 billion
provided for the planned $23 billion acquisition of Enron. Dynegy projects
earnings of $0.41 per share for the 1st quarter and reaffirmed its per
share profit estimates of $2.26 for 2002. Dynegy still plans to boost
earnings by 15% per year from acquisitions. It has recently sold stock and
plans to sell assets and cut expenses, totaling $1.25 billion to reduce
debt to reassure investors and maintain its investment grade credit
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Shell Buys Out German Solar Power Partners

Royal Dutch/Shell has increased its solar power commitment by taking
full control of a German joint venture that has become a world leader in
the fast growing industry. Shell already held 33% of Siemens and Shell
Solar GmbH, and now has agreed to acquire both the 34% interest of Siemens
and the 33% stake held by power utility EON. The deal gives Shell 100%
control of one of the world's few established producers of solar
photovoltaic cells and panels and a 15% share of the global PV market.
Though still relatively expensive to produce, it is a key potential energy
source that could cut fossil fuel use and emissions. Shell will combine
the business with its global Shell Solar operation, raising the number of
people it employs directly in the industry to 1,100. Shell Solar merged
its German solar business with Siemens and EON last April. Siemens said it
pulled out because the existing loss-making structure was not core to its
business and would not grow on its own, and it did not want a minority
stake in the enlarged group. Shell has not disclosed financial details of
the transaction, but said last year it would spend between $500 million
and $1 billion on renewable energy investments over the next 5 years.
AGA Natural Gas Storage Report

Week Prev
Ending Prev Prev Year
| Region | 1/18/02 | Week | Diff | % Full | Year | % Full|
| Prod | 707 | 733 | -26 | 74% | 312 | 33% |
| East | 1319 | 1396 | -77 | 72% | 816 | 44% |
| West | 379 | 400 | -21 | 75% | 241 | 47% |

| Total | 2405 | 2529 |-124 | 73% | 1369 | 42%
| Month | COB | Change | PV | Change |
| FEB | 21.25 | +0.00 | 22.95 | -0.45 |
| MAR | 18.50 | +0.00 | 22.25 | -0.35 |
| APR | 20.00 | +0.00 | 23.25 | -0.50 |
| MAY | 18.25 | +0.00 | 25.00 | +0.25 |
| JUN | 20.00 | +0.00 | 28.50 | -0.25 |
| JUL | 29.50 | +0.00 | 38.00 | -0.25 |
| AUG | 40.00 | +0.00 | 43.25 | -0.25 |
| SEP | 34.00 | +0.00 | 33.00 | -0.25 |
| OCT | 28.00 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 |
| NOV | 27.50 | +0.00 | 26.00 | +0.00 |
| DEC | 28.50 | +0.00 | 26.50 | +0.00 |
| JAN | 28.50 | +0.00 | 27.75 | -0.25 |
| Month | Entergy | Change | Cinergy | Change |
| FEB | 18.45 | -0.20 | 19.50 | -0.05 |
| MAR | 19.25 | -0.25 | 20.75 | -0.05 |
| APR | 19.25 | -0.25 | 20.75 | -0.05 |
| MAY | 22.50 | -0.25 | 24.00 | -0.70 |
| JUN | 26.75 | +0.00 | 29.00 | -0.15 |
| JUL | 33.50 | -0.50 | 36.80 | -0.50 |
| AUG | 33.50 | -0.50 | 36.80 | -0.50 |
| SEP | 21.40 | -0.20 | 22.10 | -0.15 |
| OCT | 21.25 | -0.05 | 21.75 | -0.10 |
| NOV | 21.25 | -0.05 | 21.75 | -0.10 |
| DEC | 21.25 | -0.05 | 21.75 | -0.10 |
| JAN | 24.00 | +0.00 | 25.00 | +0.00 |
Power Futures
| Month | PJM | Change |
| FEB | 23.50 | -0.15 |
| MAR | 23.75 | -0.10 |
| APR | 23.75 | -0.10 |
| MAY | 26.60 | -0.40 |
| JUN | 32.85 | -0.65 |
| JUL | 43.75 | -0.50 |
| AUG | 43.75 | +0.00 |
| SEP | 25.15 | +0.45 |
| OCT | 24.75 | +0.05 |
| NOV | 24.75 | +0.05 |
| DEC | 24.75 | +0.05 |
| JAN | 28.00 | -0.05 |
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PPL Notifies NRC of Operating License Renewal Plans

PPL Susquehanna has informed the NRC it plans to seek renewal of its
operating license for the Susquehanna nuclear plant in 2005. Because of
the lengthy review process, the NRC has requested that plant owners file
early notification of their plans to apply. If the NRC approves PPL's
application, the plant's operating license would be extended by 20 years.
The current operating licenses for Units 1 and 2 will expire in 2022 and
2024 respectively, but NRC approval of the extension would allow PPL to
operate the nuclear plants until 2042 and 2044. A nuclear plants license
can be renewed for a maximum of 20 years after it has proved that it can
operate safely and manage maintenance issues related to aging equipment.
The plant has 2 reactors, each with more than 1,100 MW of generating
capacity. Nuclear power plants were originally granted a 40-year operating
license and currently 50 of 103 operating nuclear reactors have said they
will apply for license renewal. Of the 50 units, 14 are in the review
process and 8 have been approved, with another 28 providing notification
of their intent to submit applications to the NRC. Nuclear power provides
about 20% of PPL's almost 10,000 MW in generation capacity. PPL
Susquehanna, a subsidiary of PPL, operates the plant and owns a 90% share,
Allegheny Electric Co-op holds the other 10%.
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Progas Storage Services, Inc

Was recently organized to offer specialized natural gas storage services
to marketers and end users servicing the upper Midwest and Northeast
market regions along the major transmission systems in Indiana, Illinois,
Kentucky, and Michigan. PGSMI has 10 bcf of potential working capacity
which will offer service along TXG, ANR, Midwestern, and is currently
evaluating for purchase another 21 bcf of potential working capacity which
can be serviced by these and other systems in the region. PGSMI also
explores for natural gas in the Gulf Coast region through a wholly owned
subsidiary. Progas intends to go public through a route of private
industry offerings, and an IPO or registration. For more information on
services or the company mail to: gastorage@aol.com or for AOL mail to
The company's executive and administrative office is located in Abilene,
Texas with storage operations in Owensboro, KY and exploration operations
in Corpus Christi, TX.
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The TSE 300 rose 39.16 points to 7598.45
The CRB Index gained 0.24 points to 189.33
The US Dollar increased 0.89 points to 118.46
The Dow advanced 17.16 points to 9730.96
The S&P 500 added 8.87 points to 1128.18
The Nasdaq was up 39.85 points to 1922.38
March NYMEX Crude Oil climbed 0.52 to 19.50
Canadian-US Exchange dipped 0.0044 to 1.6039
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