Enron Mail

Subject:Natural Gas Futures Dip But Hold Above $2
Date:Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:38:59 -0800 (PST)

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Enerfax Daily
Monday, January 28 2002 No. 921
Visit: http://www.enerfax.com to view our web version or for Oil Prices &
News http://www.enerfaxgold.com

Gulf/Eastern Region
| Agua Dulce | 1.92 |
| ANR SE | 1.97 |
| Carthage TG | 1.95 |
| Chicago Citygate | 2.03 |
| Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.00 |
| Dominion South Point | 2.11 |
| Henry Hub | 2.03 |
| Houston Ship Channel | 2.04 |
| Katy Hub | 1.97 |
| NGPL LA Pool | 1.95 |
| NGPL - Midcontinent | 1.91 |
| NGPL STX | 1.93 |
| NGPL TX/OK | 1.93 |
| NNG Demarc. | 1.96 |
| Niagara | 2.18 |
| Sonat Tier 1 | 2.00 |
| TCO IPP Pool | 2.12 |
| Tetco ELa | 2.01 |
| Tetco M-3 | 2.26 |
| Tetco STX | 1.92 |
| TGP Zone 0 | 1.92 |
| TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 1.98 |
| TGT Zone SL | 2.00 |
| New York Citygate | 2.27 |
| Transco Station 65 | 2.06 |
| Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.27 |
| Trunk ELa | 1.99 |
| Western Region
| California Border | 2.05 |
| El Paso Keystone | 1.90 |
| El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 1.91 |
| Waha Hub | 1.91 |
| Canadian/Rockies Region
| Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 2.90 |
| Dawn Hub/Union | 2.12 |
| Northwest Stanfield | 2.03 |
| Wyoming Pool | 1.86 |
| Opal | 1.86 |
| PGT-Malin | 2.10 |
| Sumas | 2.03 |
Flow Dates 1/26-28

Henry Hub
12 Month Strip 2.4590 +0.0027
18 Month Strip 2.6026 -0.0037
| Month | High | Low | Close | Change |
| FEB | 2.105 | 1.990 | 2.037 | -0.011 |
| MAR | 2.900 | 2.050 | 2.104 | +0.014 |
| APR | 2.200 | 2.135 | 2.180 | +0.014 |
| MAY | 2.280 | 2.230 | 2.269 | +0.010 |
| JUN | 2.350 | 2.300 | 2.342 | +0.010 |
| JUL | 2.420 | 2.390 | 2.414 | +0.006 |
| AUG | 2.480 | 2.440 | 2.467 | +0.006 |
| SEP | 2.480 | 2.450 | 2.476 | +0.003 |
| OCT | 2.510 | 2.475 | 2.503 | -0.002 |
| NOV | 2.745 | 2.715 | 2.733 | -0.009 |
| DEC | 2.950 | 2.920 | 2.945 | -0.009 |
| JAN | 3.050 | 3.010 | 3.038 | -0.010 |

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Natural Gas Futures Dip But Hold Above $2

Natural gas futures for February delivery on the NYMEX dipped briefly
below $2 per MMBtu Friday, but bounced back on short-covering and funds
rolling to end the day down $0.011 at $2.037 per MMBtu. The March contract
gained $0.014 to $2.104 per MMBtu. The market began the session lower and
gradually works its way higher most of the day, holding inside only a
$0.05 range. Funds continued rolling positions into March and April
contracts and beyond, and marketers braced themselves for February's
expiration tomorrow. Although the market is making an effort to stay above
$2.00, it made a lower high, a lower low and closed lower for the day and
the week. So look for the market to continue down this week unless colder
weather is forecast. Also expect to see an even smaller withdrawal this
week from storage of about 110 - 120 Bcf. However, there is a chance for
limited short-covering into expiration as the market continues to be
oversold technically. On Friday, estimated volume was about 90,000
contracts, with about 40,000 of those spreads or hedge trades. Natural gas
for weekend delivery across the US and Canada was generally $0.05 - $0.15
lower Friday, Natural gas for weekend delivery at the Henry hub dropped
$0.09 to $2.03 per MMBtu.
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Today's Power Bulletins
* Brazil's Parana State Cancels Copel Power Firm Privatization
* VP Cheney Says He Still Won't Turn Over Energy Papers to GAO
* Cinergy Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.25 per Common Share
* Constellation Energy Group Employees Give Record $2.49 Million to
United Way
* Exelon Nuclear Reports 94.4% Capacity Factor, Record Generation
* Senate Energy Committee to Look Into Impact of Enron Demise on Energy
* California Consumer Group Slams PG&E Restructure Plan
* Western Peak Power Prices Increase on Colder Temperatures
* Most Northeast Power Prices Rise Amid Cooler Weather Forecast
* Mid-Continent Power Prices Mixed on Weather and Generation
* Southeast Power Prices Mixed; Mild Weather Cuts Generation
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S&P Changes Ratings Process

Standard & Poor's is changing the way it rates companies, in part
because of problems from the demise of Enron. S&P is likely to conduct
more formal reviews of ratings, and will be more specific about how far a
rating may fall in the event of a review for downgrade. It will also focus
more on credit cliff situations, which could result in a precipitous
decline in a company's ratings if certain events take place. It will
require companies to publicize rating triggers, such as one that in
November could have forced Enron to pay off a $690 million note because of
a recent downgrade. S&P is considering how best to incorporate securities
price movements into ratings. S&P rates companies on a sliding scale from
'AAA' to 'D'. Moody's Investors Service and Fitch are also considering
changes to make their own rating activity more timely.

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Natural Gas NYMEX Volume
02FEB 45,804
02MAR 30,344
02APR 7,368
02MAY 4,797
02JUN 4,358
02JLY 2,387
02AUG 2,501
02SEP 683
02OCT 1,693
02NOV 1,416
02DEC 636
03JAN 2,671
03FEB 1,925
03MAR 821
03APR 137
03MAY 32
03JUN 447
03JLY 406
03AUG 247
03SEP 8
03OCT 135
03NOV 40
03DEC 471
04JAN 121
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Commodity Futures Trading Commission

NYMEX Natural Gas Futures
Reportable Positions as of 1/22/02

Open Interest: 489,390 10,000 MMBtu

Non-Commercial | Commercial | Total | Positions
Long | Short| Spreading| Long | Short | Long | Short | Long | Short
3,286 65,929 43,544 403,415 345,241 450,245 454,714 39,145 34,676

Changes from 1/08/02 Change in Open Interest: 20,471
-510 8,913 1,837 30,241 17,767 31,568 28,517 3,060 6,111

Percent of Open Interest for Each Category of Traders
0.7 13.5 8.9 82.4 70.5 92.0 92.9 8.0 7.1
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| | High | Low | Average |
| | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh |
| Cinergy | 18.50 | 17.20 | 17.55 |
| ECAR | 21.50 | 16.50 | 18.85 |
| ERCOT | 17.75 | 17.05 | 17.25 |
| Entergy | 17.50 | 17.00 | 17.25 |
| TVA | 19.95 | 19.40 | 19.90 |
| ComEd | 17.75 | 17.00 | 17.35 |
| Nepool | 28.50 | 27.50 | 28.30 |
| PJM West | 22.75 | 22.75 | 22.35 |
| Main | 18.50 | 17.00 | 17.55 |
| MAPP | 20.00 | 18.50 | 19.15 |
| Palo Verde | 25.75 | 23.50 | 24.70 |
| Mid C | 22.50 | 21.75 | 22.05 |
| COB | 24.25 | 23.50 | 23.90 |
| 4 Corners | 26.00 | 24.75 | 25.45 |
| Mead | 26.25 | 25.25 | 25.65 |
| NP 15 | 26.25 | 25.00 | 25.65 |
| SP 15 | 27.00 | 25.00 | 26.30 |
Exelon Reduces Net Income on Accounting Error

Exelon 3rd quarter net income was 6.7% lower than reported in October
because of an accounting error. Net income was $376 million, or $1.16 per
share, not $403 million, or $1.25 per share. That means Exelon's 3rd
quarter profit rose 62% from $232 million, or $1.35 per share, a year
earlier. The company had a bigger than expected loss in a trust fund that
has money for dismantling nuclear generators after they are closed. The
fund is not managed by Exelon. Exelon will report 4th quarter and 2001
financial results tomorrow. It probably earned about $4.30 - $4.45 last
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra
Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage
Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity
begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information,
visit http://www.desert-crossing.com
Todays Gas Bulletins
* Enron Australia Administrators Propose Liquidation
* White House Orders Enron and Andersen Contracts Review
* S&P Places Alberta Energy Ratings on CreditWatch with Positive
* S&P Places PanCanadian Energy Ratings on CreditWatch with Negative
* Baker Hughes Says Rigs Searching for Oil and Natural Gas in US Fell 10
to 859 Last Week Compared to 1,116 Year Ago; Canada Up 22 to 459 Compared
to Year Ago; Gulf of Mexico Down 5 at 117 Compared to 163 Year Ago
* AFL-CIO Calls on Companies to Refuse Re-Nomination of Enron Directors
to Their Boards
* NXT Announces Successful Completion of Red River Discovery in North
* Almost All Probing Enron Received Campaign Money
* ABB Stock Jumps After Halliburton Rally
Former Enron Vice Chairman Apparently Commits Suicide

Former Enron Vice Chairman John Clifford Baxter, who had opposed the
accounting practices that led to the downfall of the energy trading giant,
apparently took his own life early Friday morning. Police said that Baxter
was dead at the scene and the only occupant of the car. A suicide note and
a revolver were found at the scene. Baxter was chairman and CEO of Enron
North America before being named chief strategy officer. In October of
2000, he was promoted to vice chairman. Baxter resigned last May after ten
years with Enron, during which time he helped build its wholesale energy
business. Baxter had disagreed with then CEO Jeffrey Skilling over the
inappropriateness of off-balance-sheet transactions involving partnerships
that ultimately brought the company down. Baxter was one of the Enron
directors targeted in about 40 investor lawsuits which allege that the
company concealed losses by the use of the partnerships. Baxter engineered
the $3.21 billion purchase of Portland General Electric in 1997. Enron has
agreed to sell the utility to Northwest Natural Gas for $2.98 billion in
cash, stock and debt. Baxter resigned after losing a battle with Skilling
for control of the direction the company would take. He favored the
acquisition of energy producing assets to build the company, while
Skilling preferred to expand the commodities trading unit, in Enron's
asset light theory. Baxter reportedly told friends that he planned to earn
a Ph.D. in history, spend time with his family and look for a position as
chief executive at another company.
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Dabhol Sale Process Begins This Week

The bidding process for Enron's $2.9 billion Dabhol Power project in
India is set to begin this week. The Industrial Development Bank of India
said advertisements will be placed in newspapers. Interested foreign
companies are Royal Dutch/Shell, TotalFinaElf and Gaz de France. Potential
Indian buyers are BSES Ltd, Tata Power and Gas Authority of India.
Reportedly Rothschild, DSP Merrill Lynch and Smifs Securities have been
appointed to search for bidders. The vast 2,184 MW natural gas fired power
plant and nearby LNG facility, the largest foreign private investment ever
in India, has been idle since Enron pulled out last June in a dispute over
the cost of the power provided to its only customer, the Maharashtra State
Electricity Board. The 740 MW first phase of Dabhol began operating in May
1999. A 1,444 MW 2nd phase was almost complete when construction was
halted after the state electricity board fell $240 million behind in
payments for power provided. Those interested in acquiring the plant must
put up a non-refundable $100,000 in earnest money. The sellers intend to
sell the plant as a whole, but bidders may bid jointly for the operation
and split it up later. A London data room will be established for the
commercial and financial agreements, operating and historical data,
projections and information on the status of Phase II. Due diligence is
expected to begin early next month, with a possible deadline of the middle
of March for submitting offers. The US government's Overseas Private
Investment Corporation, a lender and guarantor of loans to the project,
and IDBI have led the talks among the parties involved, including 5 Indian
financial institutions, 20 foreign banks, 3 foreign government lending
agencies, several governments, equity holders and potential bidders. Enron
owns 65% of the Dabhol project, GE and Bechtel each own 10% and the
Maharashtra State Electricity Board 15%.
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| Month | COB | Change | PV | Change |
| FEB | 21.25 | +0.00 | 22.10 | -0.70 |
| MAR | 18.50 | +0.00 | 21.75 | -0.75 |
| APR | 20.00 | +0.00 | 23.25 | -0.75 |
| MAY | 18.25 | +0.00 | 24.00 | -0.75 |
| JUN | 20.00 | +0.00 | 28.50 | -0.65 |
| JUL | 29.50 | +0.00 | 37.75 | -1.00 |
| AUG | 40.00 | +0.00 | 43.25 | -0.75 |
| SEP | 34.00 | +0.00 | 32.75 | -0.55 |
| OCT | 28.00 | +0.00 | 27.75 | -0.25 |
| NOV | 27.50 | +0.00 | 26.75 | -0.25 |
| DEC | 28.50 | +0.00 | 27.25 | -0.25 |
| JAN | 28.50 | +0.00 | 28.25 | +0.00 |
| Month | Entergy | Change | Cinergy | Change |
| FEB | 18.30 | -0.50 | 19.70 | -0.30 |
| MAR | 19.40 | +0.65 | 20.80 | -0.20 |
| APR | 19.40 | +0.65 | 20.80 | -0.30 |
| MAY | 22.50 | -0.75 | 24.00 | -0.50 |
| JUN | 26.40 | -0.75 | 28.70 | -1.00 |
| JUL | 33.25 | -1.00 | 37.25 | -0.75 |
| AUG | 33.25 | -1.00 | 37.25 | -0.75 |
| SEP | 26.00 | +4.50 | 22.25 | -0.25 |
| OCT | 21.35 | -0.40 | 21.90 | -0.20 |
| NOV | 21.35 | -0.40 | 22.10 | +0.00 |
| DEC | 21.35 | -0.40 | 22.10 | +0.00 |
| JAN | 24.00 | -0.25 | 25.00 | -0.25 |
Power Futures
| Month | PJM | Change |
| FEB | 23.75 | -0.25 |
| MAR | 24.05 | -0.20 |
| APR | 24.05 | -0.20 |
| MAY | 26.75 | -0.45 |
| JUN | 33.00 | -0.50 |
| JUL | 44.40 | -0.60 |
| AUG | 44.40 | -0.60 |
| SEP | 25.30 | +0.05 |
| OCT | 24.95 | -0.15 |
| NOV | 24.95 | -0.15 |
| DEC | 24.95 | -0.15 |
| JAN | 28.50 | +0.25 |
California PUC Rejects Sempra Settlement

The California PUC has rejected a settlement proposed by Sempra Energy
that seeks to split profits from power sales between customers of San
Diego Gas and Electric and shareholders. The decision will likely lead to
a lawsuit between Sempra and the PUC. At stake is $363 million the PUC
argues could be used to the benefit of customers by paying down a special
balancing account set up during the California's energy crisis last year
that captured the difference between retail prices state regulators
allowed SDG&E to charge and soaring wholesale power prices. To cash in on
the high prices, SDG&E sold all the electricity remaining on several
5-year power contracts it had signed in 1996 and 1997, pocketing the
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Alberta Energy and PanCanadian Consider Merger

PanCanadian Energy Will buy Alberta Energy in a $16.8 billion share
exchange deal which will create North America's largest oil exploration
and production company, replacing Anadarko. The deal will allow the
companies to compete effectively on a global basis. The new company, which
is to be headquartered in Calgary, will be named EnCana Corp. The exchange
ratio is a market-to-market ratio based on the average of the closing
price for the 10 trading days ended January 23rd. PanCanadian shareholders
will own about 54% and AEC shareholders will own about 46% of EnCana.
Combined, the stocks of the two companies make up 44% of the TSE's oil and
gas sub-index. Some say that Canadian companies have realized the need to
bulk up in order to be competitive with larger companies in the US, like
Anadarko, Burlington Resources and Devon Energy, and to attract investors.
The deal could also be a self-protection measure in response to last
year's rash of takeovers of Canadian oil firms by US companies, like those
that took over Gulf Canada, Anderson Exploration and Canadian Hunter.
Alberta Energy and PanCanadian may have seen themselves as vulnerable to
possible takeovers. PanCanadian had been considered a possible takeover
target when it was spun off from Canadian Pacific in October. A new
AEC-PanCanadian company would produce 255,000 bpd of oil and natural gas
liquids and 2.5 Bcf of natural gas per day. PanCanadian has natural gas
and oil production facilities in Western Canada and offshore operations in
Nova Scotia, the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea, where it recently
discovered the areas largest oil field in 10 years, named Buzzard. AEC
also produces oil and natural gas in Western Canada, owns about 14% of the
Syncrude Canada oil sands project and has exploration, production,
pipeline and natural gas storage units in the Rocky Mountains, Ecuador and
the Arctic.

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The TSE 300 rose 1.70 points to 7659.29
The CRB Index gained 0.81 points to 189.85
The US Dollar increased 1.27 points to 119.85
The Dow advanced 44.01 points to 9840.08
The S&P 500 added 1.13 points to 1133.28
The Nasdaq was down 4.88 points to 1937.70
March NYMEX Crude Oil climbed 0.29 to 19.99
Canadian-US Exchange rose 0.0059 to 1.6079
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