Enron Mail

Subject:Natural Gas Futures Driven Lower by Lack of Fundamentals
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 21:49:15 -0800 (PST)

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Enerfax Daily
Wednesday, January 23 2002 No. 910
Visit: http://www.enerfax.com/ or for Oil Prices & News
Gulf/Eastern Region
| Agua Dulce | 2.06 |
| ANR SE | 2.09 |
| Carthage TG | 2.12 |
| Chicago Citygate | 2.14 |
| Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.15 |
| Dominion South Point | 2.27 |
| Henry Hub | 2.18 |
| Houston Ship Channel | 2.20 |
| Katy Hub | 2.14 |
| NGPL LA Pool | 2.08 |
| NGPL - Midcontinent | 2.04 |
| NGPL STX | 2.07 |
| NGPL TX/OK | 2.08 |
| NNG Demarc. | 2.10 |
| Niagara | 2.34 |
| Sonat Tier 1 | 2.14 |
| TCO IPP Pool | 2.25 |
| Tetco ELa | 2.14 |
| Tetco M-3 | 2.45 |
| Tetco STX | 2.08 |
| TGP Zone 0 | 2.07 |
| TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.12 |
| TGT Zone SL | 2.15 |
| New York Citygate | 2.52 |
| Transco Station 65 | 2.22 |
| Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.52 |
| Trunk ELa | 2.10 |
| Western Region
| California Border | 2.16 |
| El Paso Keystone | 2.04 |
| El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.03 |
| Waha Hub | 2.06 |
| Canadian/Rockies Region
| Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 3.02 |
| Dawn Hub/Union | 2.24 |
| Northwest Stanfield | 2.09 |
| Wyoming Pool | 1.96 |
| Opal | 1.98 |
| PGT-Malin | 2.14 |
| Sumas | 2.07 |
Flow Date 1/23

Henry Hub
12 Month Strip 2.4628 -0.0708
18 Month Strip 2.6023 -0.0552
| Month | High | Low | Close | Change |
| FEB | 2.130 | 2.113 | 2.106 | -0.130 |
| MAR | 2.138 | 2.121 | 2.118 | -0.118 |
| APR | 2.195 | 2.182 | 2.178 | -0.101 |
| MAY | 2.298 | 2.274 | 2.270 | -0.082 |
| JUN | 2.360 | 2.345 | 2.338 | -0.074 |
| JUL | 2.440 | 2.410 | 2.413 | -0.067 |
| AUG | 2.495 | 2.460 | 2.461 | -0.065 |
| SEP | 2.505 | 2.470 | 2.473 | -0.056 |
| OCT | 2.530 | 2.530 | 2.503 | -0.049 |
| NOV | 2.750 | 2.720 | 2.728 | -0.044 |
| DEC | 2.955 | 2.920 | 2.938 | -0.034 |
| JAN | 3.055 | 3.000 | 3.028 | -0.029 |

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Natural Gas Futures Driven Lower by Lack of Fundamentals

Natural gas for February delivery on the NYMEX tumbled $0.13 to $2.106
per MMBtu yesterday on mild weather and a continuing huge storage
inventory. The March contract lost $0.118 to $2.118 per MMBtu. Contracts
were in contango with each succeeding month more expensive than the prior
month. There's a lack of support across the board. Cash prices will likely
weaken more by the weekend ahead of next Tuesday's February contract
expiration with forecasts again predicting above normal temperatures for
the next two weeks across most of the nation. A general lack of
fundamentals and technical weakness should pressure the market below $2
soon. This week's AGA storage report is expected to show a 130 - 140 Bcf
withdrawal. Anything less and the market could looking at $1.70 per MMBtu
by expiration. As storage operators face requirements to release volumes
out of storage, that extra gas hitting the market could force prices down
quickly. Natural gas for next day delivery across the US and Canada was
generally $0.20 - $0.40 lower yesterday. Natural gas for next day delivery
at the Henry hub lost $0.23 to $2.18 per MMBtu.
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Today's Power Bulletins
* In Case Brought by United States Enrichment, International Trade
Commission Approves Import Duties of 2.26% on More than $200 million of
Enriched Uranium from Britain, Germany and Netherlands
* Senator John Kerry Scheduled to Deliver Speech on Energy to Center for
National Policy Today
* Greenlight Power Technologies Launches 5th Generation Fuel Cell Test
* AEP's Yearly Earnings Climb 26% Despite Weak Economy and Mild Weather
in 4th Quarter
* Pacific Gas and Electric Tells Federal Judge California Should Allow It
to Bypass State Laws to Get Out of $13.2 Billion Bankruptcy
* Western Spot Power Prices Fall on Weather Related Demand
* Northeast Spot Power Prices Slump Amid Warm Weather Forecast
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Unocal Finds New Alaska Natural Gas Reservoir

Unocal has discovered a new natural gas reservoir on Alaska's Kenai
peninsula which is expected to yield significant natural gas reserves. The
test well had a 39-foot pay interval yielded restricted flow rates of up
to 11.2 MMcf per day. The Grassim Oskolkoff 1 well, located 35 miles south
of Kenai, Alaska, is operated under a joint operating agreement between
Unocal and Marathon Oil. Unocal owns 40% working interest in the well and
the surrounding 25,000 acre exploration area, and Marathon owns the
remainder Unocal has also begun a separate 3-well exploration program on
the southern Kenai Peninsula. Unocal and Marathon have formed Kenai
Kachemak Pipeline to build a natural gas pipeline that will connect the
new producing area with the existing south central Alaska pipeline system.

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Natural Gas NYMEX Volume
02FEB 25,464
02MAR 8,953
02APR 5,940
02MAY 1,888
02JUN 2,562
02JLY 2,069
02AUG 2,513
02SEP 1,092
02OCT 2,242
02NOV 907
02DEC 1,534
03JAN 1,307
03FEB 421
03MAR 1,240
03APR 436
03MAY 30
03JUN 111
03JLY 4
03AUG 7
03SEP 11
03OCT 8
03NOV 7
03DEC 6
04JAN 105
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Enron's Assets Being Sold Off

Now that Enron's energy trading business, which produced about 90% of
the its $100 billion of sales in 2000, has been sold to UBS for no cash
and a share of future profits, the rest of the company's assets are being
sold off to pay creditors a small portion of over $40 billion that they
are owed. Although company officials have said they are committed to
keeping the core intact, it is slowly being dismembered and there may be
little left to reorganize. Enron claimed assets of more than $50 billion
in its bankruptcy filing, but they may actually bring much less when sold.
The commodity trades and derivative contracts that Enron entered into
before filing for bankruptcy were estimated to be worth up to $8 billion
last month, but now it says the about 700 open position are worth about
$1.3 billion. It is seeking court permission to settle the contracts to
raise cash. Since it collapsed, Enron has sold about $520 million of
contracts and assets and lost control of its $2.7 billion Northern Natural
Gas Pipeline, but is contesting Dynegy's rights to the pipeline. As part
of its plans to emerge from bankruptcy, Enron wants to place litigation
against it in a trust and raise between $4 - $6 billion by selling assets
in Latin America and Asia. Centrica Plc has agreed to buy Enron's UK
energy supply business for $137.1 million and Kinder Morgan plans to buy
Enron's share in a natural gas pipeline for $68 million. AEP has purchased
wind generators in Texas from Enron for $175 million. Enron could also ask
the bankruptcy judge to allow the $2.98 billion sale of its Portland
General Electric utility to Northwest Natural Gas. It also hopes to sell
other businesses, including the Wessex water utility in Britain. Currently
Enron's most valuable asset is Transwestern Pipeline, which is worth about
$1.2 billion, and might get creditors $640 million after paying off about
$560 million in debt.
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| | High | Low | Average |
| | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh |
| Cinergy | 18.50 | 17.50 | 18.00 |
| ECAR | 20.50 | 17.00 | 18.75 |
| ERCOT | 17.55 | 17.00 | 17.30 |
| Entergy | 19.00 | 17.85 | 18.00 |
| TVA | 23.75 | 21.95 | 22.50 |
| ComEd | 19.00 | 17.00 | 18.60 |
| Nepool | 28.00 | 27.25 | 27.75 |
| PJM West | 23.50 | 22.40 | 22.55 |
| Main | 19.00 | 15.00 | 18.20 |
| MAPP | 22.00 | 19.00 | 20.35 |
| Palo Verde | 23.50 | 21.50 | 22.45 |
| Mid C | 19.00 | 18.50 | 18.80 |
| COB | 21.50 | 21.00 | 21.30 |
| 4 Corners | 22.00 | 20.50 | 21.45 |
| Mead | 24.00 | 21.50 | 22.35 |
| NP 15 | 23.75 | 22.50 | 22.95 |
| SP 15 | 24.00 | 22.15 | 23.05 |
Power Delivered 1/23
Virginia Wants FERC to Rethink RTOs

The Virginia State Corporation Commission claims none of the existing
regional transmission organizations currently proposed for the
Mid-Atlantic and Northeast will provide significant benefits for the
state, and has told the FERC to reassess the RTO landscape. Meanwhile, on
Northeastern RTO formation, most states are urging the FERC to maintain
the status quo and focus on incorporating market standards rather than
require a single RTO to cover the entire region. The Virginia SCC says its
location, bordering the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and Midwest, puts them in
a delicate situation in relation to the RTO question.
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra
Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage
Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity
begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information,
visit www.desert-crossing.com
Todays Gas Bulletins
* Congress Gears Up for High-Profile Enron Hearings
* Enron Says It Ordered All Staff to Preserve All Papers
* Federal Court to Hear Arguments Today Regarding Destruction of
Documents in Response to Amalgamated Bank's Request to Discover How and
Why Andersen Destroyed Documents
* Enron Europe Creditors Face $900 Million Trading Loss
* Dynegy Elects Glenn Tilton and John Watson to Board of Directors
* CES International CEO Dave Jones to Speak Tomorrow Hotel at JP Morgan
H&Q Energy Technology Conference at New York Palace Hotel
* NuWay Energy to Acquire Mendell Energy Technologies, Including 95,000
Acres of Leases in Montana
* Kerr-McGee Replaces 490% of 2001 Oil and Natural Gas Production
Enron's Dabhol Project Nears Auction Block

Lenders to Enron's $2.9 billion Dabhol Power in India are set to put
it on the auction block, with 6 major companies likely to express
interest. The plant has been idle since last June after a dispute over the
cost of the power for its sole customer, the Maharashtra State Electricity
Board. Due diligence is expected to begin early next month, with a
possible deadline of the middle of March for submitting offers. Interested
foreign companies are Shell, TotalFinaElf and Gaz de France. Potential
Indian buyers are BSES Ltd, Tata Power and Gas Authority of India.
Publicity which focused on Enron's problems in India has given the
country's image a black eye as a safe place to invest. Some in India claim
that Enron coerced and hoodwinked a freshly elected state government into
signing off on a power project it had previously tried to stop. The World
Bank, which refused to fund the project, said it was too large, too costly
and the terms were slanted in Enron's favor. Maharashtra's demand for
energy did not rise as expected and meanwhile, the devaluation of the
Indian rupee and climbing prices for naphtha raised the price of power
production. Enron owns 65% of the Dabhol project, GE and Bechtel each own
10% and the Maharashtra State Electricity Board 15%. Those interested in
acquiring the plant must put up a non-refundable $100,000 in earnest
money. The sellers intend to sell the plant as a whole, but bidders may
bid jointly for the operation and split it up later. A London data room
will be established for the commercial and financial agreements, operating
and historical data, projections and information on the status of Phase
II. Construction on the 1,444 MW second phase was stopped when the state
electricity board fell $240 million behind in payments. The 740 MW first
phase was launched in 1999.
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Debt Rating Agencies Considering Reforms

Following complaints by investors, analysts and lawmakers that
Moody's, S&P and Fitch were too slow to downgrade Enron, the credit
agencies have all said they are considering reforms that would speed up
their review process for altering a company's ratings. The changes could
lead ratings to become more volatile and affect stock and bond prices. It
could also raise the cost of borrowing for companies that need cash.
Fitch and Moody's have said they may eliminate outlooks, meant to be a
guideline of a rating's possible future direction. There will now be more
rating changes that are multiple notches and corporate ratings will become
more volatile and lower than they have been over the last decade. The
agencies have already changed their criteria for the assessment of a
company's ratings. All are taking a closer look at rating triggers and a
company's ability to raise needed cash. This month, the agencies
downgraded Kmart, which has now filed for bankruptcy, several notches in a
matter of days. Moody's rated Kmart's debt as investment-grade a little
more than a month ago. Moody's put Calpine on review for only one day
before lowering its debt rating. It also kept Ford on review for only 5
days before downgrading its debt. The effects of the Enron collapse could
hurt other companies facing a cash crunch by subjecting them to more
stringent scrutiny. S&P said it is focusing more on movement in a
company's stock and bond prices.
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PanCanadian to Spend C$1.7 Billion This Year

PanCanadian Energy plans to spend C$1.7 billion in 2002 to increase
both its natural gas production and proven oil reserves by 10%. About 70%
of the expenditures will be directed at natural gas projects with C$430
million spent on prospects in Canada's East Coast offshore region, the
deepwater Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. PanCanadian plans to drill
1,800 wells this year, down from about 2,150 in 2001. Last had major
offshore and international exploration successes, with preliminary results
showing that it replaced about 170% of production. Oil production is
expected to decline by 5% year over year, although phase one work on the
Christina Lake oil sands project will be completed early this year, and
has the potential to add significant reserves and production in the medium
term. PanCanadian also is evaluating production options with its partners
at its Buzzard oil project in the North Sea. PanCanadian's share of the
discovery is more than 180 million barrels of recoverable crude oil.
| Month | COB | Change | PV | Change |
| FEB | 21.25 | +0.00 | 22.95 | +0.00 |
| MAR | 18.50 | +0.00 | 22.60 | +0.00 |
| APR | 20.00 | +0.00 | 23.75 | +0.00 |
| MAY | 18.25 | +0.00 | 24.75 | +0.00 |
| JUN | 20.00 | +0.00 | 28.75 | +0.00 |
| JUL | 29.50 | +0.00 | 38.25 | +0.00 |
| AUG | 40.00 | +0.00 | 43.50 | +0.00 |
| SEP | 34.00 | +0.00 | 33.25 | +0.00 |
| OCT | 28.00 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 |
| NOV | 27.50 | +0.00 | 26.00 | +0.00 |
| DEC | 28.50 | +0.00 | 26.50 | +0.00 |
| JAN | 28.50 | +0.00 | 28.00 | +0.00 |
| Month | Entergy | Change | Cinergy | Change |
| FEB | 18.65 | +0.00 | 19.55 | +0.00 |
| MAR | 19.50 | +0.00 | 20.80 | +0.00 |
| APR | 19.50 | +0.00 | 20.80 | +0.00 |
| MAY | 22.75 | +0.00 | 24.70 | +0.00 |
| JUN | 22.70 | +0.00 | 29.15 | +0.00 |
| JUL | 34.00 | +0.00 | 37.30 | +0.00 |
| AUG | 34.00 | +0.00 | 37.30 | +0.00 |
| SEP | 21.60 | +0.00 | 22.25 | +0.00 |
| OCT | 21.30 | +0.00 | 21.85 | +0.00 |
| NOV | 21.30 | +0.00 | 21.85 | +0.00 |
| DEC | 21.30 | +0.00 | 21.85 | +0.00 |
| JAN | 24.00 | +0.00 | 25.00 | +0.00 |
Power Futures
| Month | PJM | Change |
| FEB | 23.65 | +0.00 |
| MAR | 23.85 | +0.00 |
| APR | 23.85 | +0.00 |
| MAY | 27.00 | +0.00 |
| JUN | 33.50 | +0.00 |
| JUL | 44.25 | +0.00 |
| AUG | 44.25 | +0.00 |
| SEP | 24.70 | +0.00 |
| OCT | 24.70 | +0.00 |
| NOV | 24.70 | +0.00 |
| DEC | 24.70 | +0.00 |
| JAN | 28.05 | +0.00 |
PNM Plans to Retire Transmission Line Debt

Public Service Company of New Mexico has asked the New Mexico Public
Regulation Commission for authority to enter into a transaction that would
cause the retirement of $27 million of Secured Facility Bonds due 2012.
The proposed transaction will reduce PNM's long-term debt and give the
company majority ownership of the 216-mile long Eastern Interconnection
Project line, which connects PNM and the Western US with the West Texas
electrical grid. PNM entered into a sale-leaseback arrangement in 1985
that allowed the company to levelize the EIP's cost to PNM and its
customers over the lease period. The proposal would result in the
redemption on April 1, 2002 of the Secured Facility Bonds at a price of
$1054.30 per $1000 principal plus accrued interest to April 1, 2002.
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House Energy Committee to Subpoena Andersen Executives

The House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee will
subpoena four former and current executives of Andersen to appear at a
hearing on the accounting firm's role in the Enron fiasco. The four to be
subpoenaed are: CEO Joseph Berardino, fired Andersen partner David Duncan,
and managers Michael Odom and Nancy Temple. The oversight and
investigations subcommittee of the Energy Committee has scheduled hearings
for tomorrow. The full committee has also scheduled a hearing for next
week. Opening remarks will be made on January 29th, with a full committee
hearing to follow on January 30th.

Progas Storage Services, Inc

Was recently organized to offer specialized natural gas storage services
to marketers and end users servicing the upper Midwest and Northeast
market regions along the major transmission systems in Indiana, Illinois,
Kentucky, and Michigan. PGSMI has 10 bcf of potential working capacity
which will offer service along TXG, ANR, Midwestern, and is currently
evaluating for purchase another 21 bcf of potential working capacity which
can be serviced by these and other systems in the region. PGSMI also
explores for natural gas in the Gulf Coast region through a wholly owned
subsidiary. Progas intends to go public through a route of private
industry offerings, and an IPO or registration. For more information on
services or the company mail to: gastorage@aol.com or for AOL mail to
The company's executive and administrative office is located in Abilene,
Texas with storage operations in Owensboro, KY and exploration operations
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The TSE 300 slid 23.56 points to 7559.29
The CRB Index dropped 0.98 points to 189.09
The US Dollar increased 0.06 points to 117.57
The Dow declined 58.05 points to 9713.80
The S&P 500 fell 8.27 points to 1119.31
The Nasdaq was down 47.81 points to 1882.53
February NYMEX Crude Oil rose 0.34 to 18.34
Canadian-US Exchange dipped 0.0049 to 1.6083
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Washington DC
January 24, 2002
Spencer Abraham U.S. Secretary of Energy to address energy community on
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