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Subject:News release: PJM, MISO Planning Joint and Common Wholesale Energ y
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:03:34 -0800 (PST)

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Message sent from the pjm-customer-info mailing list at pjm-customer-info@majordomo.pjm.com:

< PJM, MISO Planning
< Joint and Common Wholesale Energy Market
< Single energy market would serve more than 42 million
< (Valley Forge, PA and Carmel, IN - January 21, 2002) PJM Interconnection and
< the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO) today
< announced that they have executed a "Letter of Intent" to develop a single
< wholesale market for electricity producers and consumers in all or parts of 27
< Midwest and mid-Atlantic states, the District of Columbia and the Canadian
< province of Manitoba.
< The vision for achieving a single energy market is outlined in the
< Letter of Intent, which officials at PJM and MISO discussed with their
< respective members and boards last week.
< "This Letter of Intent reflects PJM and MISO's commitment to develop a
< single, robust energy market that meets the needs of all customers and
< stakeholders in the combined region," said Phillip G. Harris, PJM president
< and chief executive officer. "PJM and MISO's intent is to offer an innovative
< approach to serve the needs of the public and the individual states and
< governmental entities, while benefiting the economies in the regions
< encompassed by the market."
< "Working with PJM on a joint and common market design will allow both
< regions the opportunity to rapidly realize the benefits of a seamless power
< market," said James P. Torgerson, president and chief executive officer of the
< MISO, the nation's first FERC-approved regional transmission organization.
< The Letter of Intent outlines several guiding principles for the creation of a
< common energy market, including:
< * The development of the market will be fully consistent with the safe and
< reliable operation of the electric power grid,
< * The single energy market will be administered by two separate
< organizations with certain functions undertaken jointly and others undertaken
< through common processes,
< *
< * The needs of the states, district and province, individually and
< collectively, will be integral to a successful solution,
< *
< * Appropriate information technology network architectural design will be
< established that will provide for growth, redundancy, security and flexibility
< for the future, and
< * A commitment to an open process to advise on the development of the
< market design by immediately establishing a joint stakeholder market
< committee.
< A single market through PJM and MISO's regions would span more than 1
< million square miles including all or portions of:
< * From the Midwest ISO, including TRANSlink and the Southwest Power Pool
< (SPP): Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota,
< Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio,
< Virginia, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, Louisiana, Texas,
< Mississippi and the Canadian province of Manitoba.
< * From PJM and PJM West: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey,
< West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio and the District of Columbia.
< MISO's scale of operations, including TRANSlink and SPP:
< * 17.5 million customers served
< * 114,000 megawatts of peak load
< * 125,000 megawatts of generating capacity
< * 118,000 miles of transmission lines
< * $12.8 billion in installed assets
< PJM and PJM West's scale of operation include:
< * 25.1 million people served
< * 62,445 megawatts of peak load
< * 66,072 megawatts of generation capacity
< * 13,100 miles of transmission lines
< * $6.5 billion in installed assets
< * 200 members
< * 298,011 gigawatt hours of annual energy
< * 614 generation sources with diverse fuel types
< * Over $3.4 billion in annual billing
< ####

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